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Shirdi Sai Baba’s way of Shopping

Sairam friends,

Yesterday I was writing in StarSai in the morning and my Mom asked me to come to Shopping Mall so that we can get shirts for me. I said, Am not coming because had planned to do some work and I shall buy myself later. Mom said, You won’t go any where and buy anything….he he…

So my parents and me went Shopping. I got few shirts and also we went to buy Sarees for Mom. I was looking at each Saree Section and read the brand names.

It helps me learn consumer behavior and how things work online though I have no time to keep updating it. Am experimenting and learning.

In the Saree section, the Sales man was explaining how big it is a task to take the stock and keep in the self. It seems, the items go through 4 process once it comes in to the shop and then finally comes to the self. These are people who really work hard and they do it happily with excitement. The man said, he will try his best to show as many Sarees as possible. I kept smiling to him nodding my head. I just admired how people love their Work no matter what little work it is.

Moral of the Story – ” No matter what work you do, Love it and do it with dedication”

After we came out of the Cloth shop, I told my parents OK lets go home now. My Father was very keen in making sure I get a New mobile now itself. Amma said, You will never get it later. I said, I don’t know any mobile shop in this Mall. So lets Go.

Mom found out the shop in 3rd floor and so we went. I saw a Mobile and liked it. So got it immediately. I would have bought it for better price online or through one of my friend at work but I felt happy for getting it as my Father’s Gift. When ever we come across any Kids, parents remembered Katya.

Then we had dinner and came home. While I was

Shirdi Sai Baba’s way of Shopping

I have read few incidents where Sai Baba goes on Shopping. When Saibaba decides to Cook for his devotees, He himself goes to the Market in the outskirts of the Shirdi Village to buy all the items required. It seems Saibaba has a good sense of humor while shopping.

I remember a good incident which happened in Dwarakamai.

Once a man selling cloth came to Shirdi. Saibaba called him and asked him for long piece of cloth. The man told the price. Saibaba got angry and demanded to reduce the price to worse possible rate that the seller can never have any profit. The man was very upset and wondered why Sai Baba being a saint is not understanding his hardwork and paying what he deserves.

While thinking like this, Sai gave the man some Money. The money was actually paid more than what Sai promised to give and had big profit. Since Saibaba bought the cloth, am sure other devotees in Shirdi also would have given good business for the seller.

What we must understand from this Sai leela is that Sai wants us to make sure we pay the right price for what we buy. At the same time, we must never hurt anyone by paying less for their hard work. I already wrote few articles about how big it is a sin to get work from someone and pay them too less.

Anyway friends, I have seen hundreds of Sai devotees coming to Saibaba temple for Pooja after they buy their New Cars and Bikes. I used to think there really is some connection between Sai and Shopping and if it is really there it is his blessing.

Sai want’s his devotees to enjoy all happiness in life but never forget their past and the road they traveled.

Happy Shopping !



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  • dear sai venkatji

    shopping as u said carried with it SAI.

    But at the same time incidents like DAMU ANNA’S cotton business and pulses business failed after SAI instructed him not to make BABA a partner in such businessess and not to jump high when we cannot reach that height.

    similarly SAI purchased two goats for exhorbitant price – only to inform others that their prices are high because of their connection with sai in their prevous births and how cruelly they killed each other.




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