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Shirdi Saibaba for Corporate Stress and Entrepreneur Depression

Sairam friends,

When I read few books on Entrepreneurship, I understood, Men and Women who are in good position in Corporate environment at times, face severe mental stress. I also learned that Entrepreneur’s who are passionate about their Startup’s goes through depression because of failure.

I encourage entrepreneurship and like the Startup environment. People think they have many to help them. When times are good, you will have friends and peer’s around you. When things goes wrong, you might end up with no body to support you.

When ever I think about creating a Startup, I also have this fear of loosing my peace of mind. Firstly, I do not like to get Venture Capital fund or even Angel Investment to do something I believe in. I might change my attitude but its my personal belief that one must start with a slow pace and never get others money unless you have all the ability, skills and time to work on your Startup project.

If we are in a situation to answer others, we end up in misery. Ofcourse, Many Entrepreneurs get depressed just because no one is there to fund them. I hope Shirdi Saibaba shows them a way.

I thought of creating a exclusive Meditation website to address professionals who go through Corporate Stress, Official problems and also Entrepreneurs who face depression and worries about better future.

I can easily do it but again, Only people who have more worries than I can listen to write to me. Already, I stopped replying devotees mails as I don’t see my words can give any solution. If I cannot help someone practically, why bother them much?

Entrepreneurs may also not like me speaking about an ancient Indian Saint like Shirdi Saibaba. Is Saibaba going to change their life?. I don’t want anyone to feel that I am promoting Sai faith. Honestly, StarSai never tries to make anyone believe in Sai unless they will. I hate anyone telling about greatness of Shirdi Saibaba to someone who wants to distant themselves from such topic.

Even I get upset with Saibaba at times. You can rate me as the worst possible devotee of Shirdi Saibaba because I know his ways. He is a giver but he also takes rights on devotees too close to him.

Saibaba’s guide for Entrepreneurs

Sai has encouraged some devotees to do their own business and when one of this devotee wanted to do Cotton business, Sai warned him. The business seemed to be profitable but later the devotee understood, he would have faced severe loss if he had done the business.

Saibaba’s advice to some devotees has been simple

“Ask him/her to be content with what he/she has. ”

I cannot teach philosophy to Entrepreneurs. So I don’t know if I can handle such questions as in “Are you asking me to do nothing?” I just wish to do a project to encourage and motivate Entrepreneurs and professionals to do their work better.

Good times will always come.

I still wonder if I can make a simple site related to Sai and Meditation for Entrepreneurs?. Let’s see how Saibaba guides me. I also cannot keep adding to more network sites as I to maintain it spending money every year though it isn’t expensive. If my words can make an Entrepreneur do better in his life and be confident or gives him/her ability to sustain any issues, then its worth it.

Basically, I wish to do a project which will help Men and Women stay strong internally.

Hope Shirdi Saibaba shows me a way.



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1 Comment

  • Jai Sairam. You are already doing a lot for Sai devotees. It’s unreasonable to expect you to always spend personal money to maintain a lot of diff sites. Is it possible for you to just provide tabs or internal links within this site for example? Then, those interested in Sai’s stores can go to that tab and all stories with that tag will be there. Those interested in meditation can go to that etc. You see this in many blogs (not even a .com site) where you can click on DIY projects or Tutorials etc. tabs from one site. Hope this makes sense, I am not an expert on this. Jai Sairam!

    Edit: The funny part is I already registered this domain and wrote some basic stuff but as you said, if I promote it, then I have to spend money every year to maintain it. Anyway, As of now, Let me take sometime and decide what to do. Shall consider your ideas. – Venkat

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