Sairam friends,
Many of you who follow StarSai for a while would have noticed that one of the things I keep writing is that “I am depressed, I feel painful, I am totally fed up”. These are not words but expression of my emotions which conveys that I don’t have a reasons to celebrate life. Today, I realized, my understanding about the Saint called “Shirdi Saibaba” is wrong. May be its not success but its failure he wanted me to face. May be, Sai thinks if I am successful, I would have only become more selfish and led a very self-centered life. Its the failures I faced repeatedly which made me realize the biggest truth of life…
“If I can’t do something to touch life of other people and bring a change in their life, then my life isn’t worth living”.
Today, I created this video to make you understand the real value of failure
Shirdi Saibaba blessings to be successful in life
Om Sai Ram!
This is Venkat. The world’s smallest network for Sai devotees.
What’s running on in your mind now.
Tell me what’s running in your mind right this moment?
You might be happy but this is for Sai children who are little upset in their life.
For those of you who are happy, continue listening to this
because this is for everyone who must learn to accept failures in life and still remain happy.
Now lets experience failure
You might be expecting something really good to happen in your life
You go to Sai and worship him heart and soul
You come back and work really really hard for your dream
You face the test of times and you wait for the result
You fail
You fail pathetically
You thought Sai is gonna take you to great heights but he failed you. RIGHT?
Its Sai. Its always Saibaba who must be blamed because he only has failed you.
How childish is your thought?
Is it Sai who failed you? Ask yourself? May be he has better plans for you.
You are angry on this sweet fakir of Shirdi.
Sai, what did you do to me?
I thought you will fulfill my desire and make me happy but you failed me.
You failed me irrespective of all that I did for you.
You seem to ignore my prayers.
OK. I agree.
Saibaba has responsibility to make you successful.
He must bless you with good health
He’s supposed to give you admission in the world’s top university because you offered him flowers.
He’s supposed to bless you with the guy or the girl you love because you went all the way to Shirdi to have Sai’s darshan.
You believed that you would marry the one whom you loved and it did not happen.
Lets speak about it later
Lets say you are married and your husband or wife doesn’t love enough. You think your life is a failure?
You think Saibaba failed you?
And there are devotees who worships Saibaba to bless them with a successful career and business.
You want the greatest job on Earth because you play and listen to Sai’s aarti every day. Almost everyday
But seems Saibaba isn’t bothering you at all.
You never seem to land in your dream job.
You are supposed to be very very successful as an Entrepreneur and make lots of money
This Sai is Mahalakshmi but in your life alone, he seems to be stubborn.
I could guess so many other complicated problems you are into this very moment when you are listening to me.
And I also know you wonder why Saibaba never makes you successful both in your personal and professional life.
Let’s do something about it!
Lets arrange a meeting with Sai for all the failures Saibaba brought in your life..
I will take you on a time machine and I will take you back to 1892 when Sai was still not so popular.
Lets imagine you came to know about Saibaba though one of your relative and hence you are going to Shirdi.
Now hold my palm and walk with me.
You don’t know where is Shirdi?
Hey..You may not know because its 1892. I know because, I had been there several times in my imagination.
I have been to Shirdi when this Sai really lived with flesh and blood.
I met this old man who went to Shirdi in 1941 and he said “In Mumbai VT railway station, we asked the ticket for Shirdi and the man in counter asked “Shirdi? Which Shirdi?” May be he was new to work that he only knew Kopergoan.
Then, Imagine how can you find Shirdi back in 1892?
So better hold my palm…I will take you Shirdi. Walk with me and get into my imaginary time machine.
Close your eyes and on on-board “Sai Airlines”
Come, Fly with Sai..
You are already in Shirdi.
I took you in my imaginary flight. Completely free of cost!
Now, get down the flight and walk with me.
You are walking ahead of me as if you know Shirdi.
This is 1892. Someone might mislead you and take you to Neemgaon or Sakori.
Shirdi is new for you.
Can’t you hold my palm?
Now..Let’s walk.
We are crossing the lendi baugh and what a surprise.
Saibaba has come out of Dwarakamai few minutes before..
Your Saibaba is now waiting under the Neem tree in lendi baug as if a Mother expects her daughter to come home safe.
You leave my palm because you know that you have a better palm to hold yours.
As you run close to Sai, he fall in his feet.
Sai lifts you up, touches your cheeks with his divine palm and wipes of your tears.
Now, You both left me alone and walk ahead
Because my job is done.
All that Sai wants me to do is take his children to him when they are deeply pained and I just did that.
I see Saibaba and you walked towards Dwarakamai.
You seem to be happy with the fact that Saibaba is holding your palm.
As if all the failures in your life was a day dream
Because when you are with Sai, even failure must be considered a blessing.
Don’t worry about failures.
Sai wants you to fail repeatedly and fail big.
This is one life and you must not be fed up with failures.
I have taken you to Sai, You met Sai..
Now, Saibaba is going to tell you this “I have made you stronger by all the failures you faced. I made a diamond out of the stone. Now, keep living strong and work for your dreams. You certainly will be successful”
Keep your hopes high..Be sincere and dedicated with what you are doing.
Never consider anything less. Start some where and you will reach great heights someday.
Hey…What did you offer Saibaba..How did you experience his holy Dwarakamai? Did you speak to Saibaba about your life?
Write to me….
This is Venkat for
Here’s a beautiful Photo of Shirdi Saibaba sent by my Sai friend Vahidaa

Saibaba bless you with success in all your endeavors
I just used some sound effects in this video to make it interesting. I could not use any movie songs as Saibaba asked me to respect original creators hard work. Further, I can’t afford Music track too. So this video will be very simple. Today, after lunch, I literally felt my eyes were closing at work. So I tried to distract myself going to other places. May be, as my parents tell me, I must try to sleep early. Its already 1.42 at night now. I don’t know when I will sleep. My Father said he’s not feeling well before he laid down. Then, he said that he’s alright.
I really don’t wanna speak and edit today’s video. Something made me do it. You call it Sai’s will.
I wonder if its worth all the work I do and don’t know what makes me do this for Sai? May be, I must do videos only occasionally.
I also have another site to take care of. I don’t want to give up because I am running out of time in my life. Have to do something by Sai grace to make my life meaningful.
Shirdi Saibaba wants me to fail repeatedly and fail big but atleast someday, I will be happy that I tried to do something. I must not regret that I never did anything to bring happiness in others heart.
Om Sai Ram
Sairam Venkat,
Very nice and inspiring message. Sai bless you and your inspiring work.
The only comment that comes into my mind is EAT LESS, SLEEP LESS, THINK LESS, TALK LESS AND MEET LESS.
Brilliant.. Sai and his Leelas are beautiful and brilliantly crafted. He talks everything that one needs to hear and teaches all that one needs to learn in his unique ways through different modes. Your words are His, and hence, have touched people in ways that you can never imagine. So keep up with the phenomenal work! Way to go…
Om Sai Ram
Thanks for taking me to 1892. I imagining meeting Baba and was so happy. Sai blessings, full of inspiration.