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Shirdi Saibaba and the gifts he gives to his devotees

Sairam friends,

I receive many mails from Sai devotees these days and its really hard to reply all of you. If I reply be happy and if Don’t also be happy because it means, I simply said a silent prayer for you and I myself don’t want to come between you and your Sai. I don’t get the write words to mail. Further, I am myself worried these days and not understanding what’s going to happen in my life.

I get tired when I come home and work on few other projects. Anyway StarSai is still my treasure and always will be.

Yesterday, There was some discussion about changing the place we belong to at work place and I felt really disappointed because I know some won’t be comfortable with this and it happened as I guessed. It surprised me as Sai also kept showing this in dream and hence I wanted to be careful.

Anyway, Its good we are in the same place because I am used to it. I learnt a lesson. Never speak aloud and never disturb people who are working.I myself speak a lot to my friends now a days and wish I don’t speak much as others might find it hard to work when we keep on speaking.

Today, I wanted to write about Gifts Shirdi Saibaba gives to his devotees.

During Sai’s life time, Baba used to ask for Dakshina from devotees and the same day he will be giving it back to other devotees. Tatya is one of the devotee who received 4Rs every single day from saibaba. Infact the income tax officers could not get tax from saibaba because he collects and gives back to others the same day but the tax officials noticed the people who get daily gift from saibaba and taxed them

Those days 4Rs per day becomes huge some. Once Baba told Tatya ” Do not lavishly spend this money or give it to others. Keep it safe”

Baba asked Tatya to buy land using that money. I think its around 80 acres for around 1200 Rs.

The reason Saibaba told Tatya not even to give away money to others is that may be Sai knew Tatya might get cheated. Now a days so many people get into financial problems since they trust others n give money. Finally they get cheated.

Sai is expert in giving gifts to his devotees. Sometimes Gifts can be your good education, your husband/wife, your children, their education and may be anything good that happens in your life.

So make sure you keep Saibaba’s gift safe.

You must always share your wealth with people who need little help but do not give away what you can’t afford to loose. Give what ever you can share and save your Sai’s gift carefully.

Yesterday I was learning about pricing for SAAS software and I like this new trend. I wanted to do something related to it in future.

As of now, I am simply leading my life with our any meaning !


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  • Sai Ram Brother,
    What a coincidence but that is Sai’s miracle right.
    This week is my kids mid term exam week and I was requesting BABA to help them remember what they had revised and practice and I did ask my kids light lamps every morning before going to school and ask them to pray for goods results cause they had put so much effort in revising and practicing.
    I’m glad SAI and AMMA did help them. The results are satisfying and my kids are happy with it.
    Thank YOU BELOVED SAI & DURGAI AMMAN for the valuable gift.

  • Giving in any form is also a ritual Baba teaches us.Baba s Blessings.Shri Sainathayanamaha.

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