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Devotees Experiences

Shirdi Saibaba brings happiness to devotee who faced painful married life

Sairam friends,

I am sharing a devotees experience from one of my Sai Sister below this article. Scroll down for experience.

Many girls and even men write me saying that their marriage did not work and they are either in verge of divorcing or already got separated legally. In such cases, they write me asking any solution. Shirdi Saibaba treats each devotee in a unique way. If I know you personally, I will be bold to suggest you the right way. So I don’t reply such mails.

I want you to take time and analyze what’s good for you and your family. Have enough patience if you wanted to marry another person. For some people, they have series of bad relationship and I know devotees who married thrice each time to suffer badly. We live in a culture where marriage has been made as mandatory and hence you may believe in anyone you like and marry them in hurry.

Kindly, have some patience and take proper decision. For some, its better to remain single, for few, wait until you meet the right person and for few, take some efforts, you will meet someone good. For Gods sake, crop all and any relationship you have with someone already married.

I know this girl who got divorced, she was in love with a guy in Andhra and their parents did not accept it as they don’t want their son to marry a divorce. After few days, she told me that her manager likes her a lot and this man is married and has a child. Seems his wife is too bad.

Excuse me: If his wife is bad, that’s his problem. Just because a man shows affection on you, you cannot believe it and live single forever or spoil another girl’s life.

Irrespective of all these complications, there are few Sai devotees, who took Sai’s path to come out of painful marriage, get divorce and marry a better girl/guy.


A week back, my parents had given for pooja for Kal Bhairav. There was this old man who was standing near the temple, arranged few lamps and waiting for his son to worship Kal Bhairav. My Father was angry with priest and asked him to do our pooja after that man has left. I told my Dad, Its OK.Let them also see the abishekam.

My Father said that this guy is lighting lamp because he wanted to divorce his wife and has discussed with the priest about it. My parents don’t want to do pooja along with such people. May be, the girl is innocent. So if you are doing such tactics to spoil life of a girl/guy, certainly God is going to punish you. Be careful with Shirdi Saibaba too. If you worship him with cunning mind, Sai will act as if everything is happening as you desire but finally you are going to suffer.

Shirdi Saibaba brings happiness to devotee who faced painful married life

Am attached to saibaba since my childhood as my father was worshiping Baba from long back. We had visited Shirdi 3 times as a happy family. My father and myself used to sing Arthi in temples as lead singers. I used to do Arthi at home when I had finished 10th standard(SSC). I had severe sciatica during my college days and had lied down in Sai temple’s compound for 5 min on way to MRI scan. In one month, Baba had cured me completely. During the bedrest period, daily I used to sing all four arthis on my bed.

Once married, had undergone many setbacks and everytime, Baba was there with me along with my parents’ support. My first marriage ended badly and visiting court was one night mare for me. It was then that I visited one sai temple often. Pujari(priest) told me that the temple was my mother’s home (Maike). I can go there for warmth any time. I was also suggested to do Dhuni pooja for nine days. I did all that and finally divorce came easily. Later with Baba’s grace,got married again and had a girl baby this year.
During 33 weeks, had high BP and was asked to take bed rest. I started reading sai satcharitha during that 8th month and with in three days, water broke and delivery happened. After baby was 2 months old, Had  taken baby to Baba’s temple and got it lay happily for few seconds on Baba’s lap. Baba has been with me and has been answering me via ‘Sai answers from Dwarakamai’ since 2010. This is how I became attached to this very site. It gives timely answers for our questions. Thanks to Venkat Bhayya, who works as agent of Baba and handle all baba’s devotees very well 🙂

Jai Sai Ram. Bow to Shri Sai. Peace be to all.


Hope you liked the above devotees experience friends. By the way, I just a humble servant of Shirdi Saibaba and now a days, I reply to very few devotees. Hope devotees understand that I don’t want to be a wall between them and Sai. I care for all of you and wish you lead a peaceful life.

Aum Sri Sainathaya Namaha


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1 Comment

  • Dear sairam,
    Its a miracle! !!!!!!!!!!
    I was too puzzled about my life.
    there were so many ups and downs in my maried life.
    When I opened this site…
    This page cropped up.
    it gave me the answer!!!!!!!!!!
    JAI SRI SAI RAM!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thank you all….
    esp venkatji…

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