Sairam friends
This morning I got a dream like this..
I see Nagasai (Saibaba who appeared as Serpent on Jan 7th, 1943 ) portrait in front of me. Its a portrait of a snake with flowers around him as he is Saibaba. I am sitting in a mat about 10 feet away. I say to Saibaba in a dream.
“Saibaba, if you really love me and if you are going to make my life peaceful and happy soon, then do this miracle…Let this Mat move towards your photo on its own…meaning bring me close to you”
While telling this to sai, I also remember in mind ‘sai do this Leela and show me, I won’t say anyone”
As soon as I said this, I feel myself moving in front of the Nagasai portrait. It was as if the mat is sliding towards Nagasai. So beautiful so sacred. I could clearly see me close to Saibaba’s Nagasai portrait …

Saibaba painting so divine as if sai is really looking at you
Friends the dream was so vivid.
Since it was Thursday my father played Shirdi Saibaba Aarti in DVD Players and I was sleeping. Probably, I was in half sleep and half wake state. So there was a second dream like this.
In the dream, I see me and my Sai friends Kanna and Vengadesh going inside a beautiful temple. Inside the temple, I see many musicians with mrudangam, Gadang, Tabela and harmonium. They also had a Sitar and veena. I see Goddess Mahalakshmi sannidhi also.
I realized this surprisingly. Whatever way I hear the beats and harmonium etc which my father played in C.D, in the dream I can clearly see the musicians playing and hitting the mridangam exactly as if they are playing it in reality, my father is listening to Aarti in C.D.
( Yeah those were days of Compact Disc. haha)
I woke up, realized some message in this.
For years I dint uploaded Shirdi Saibaba aarti and bhajans in StarSai because I felt if someone says it’s copyrighted then being an ordinary person I only have to delete them. Today I realized Saibaba wants me to upload some of Shirdi Saibaba aarti and bhajans and request each and every Sai devotee to Listen to Saibabas aarti regularly in their house.
What I understood from a vivid dream :
If I saw musicians playing musical instruments when my father played Aarti c.d, it means Saibaba also accepts it as equal to singing aarti even when you listen to it with devotion.
I kindly request you to download all the 4 Aarti of Shirdi Saibaba and learn the meaning, listen to them either in your computer, record it in C.D and play them or you can also upload in your mobile and listen to them.
C.VenkatRaman – 5 :11:2009
Note: The below Aarti of Shirdi Sai baba is copyrighted to respective producers. I have posted here to inspire devotion for personal use. You can try to get Saibaba Aarthi DVD in Shirdi , Music stores, or any spiritual shops in famous temples all over India.
1. Shirdi Saibaba Kakad Aarti- Listen every Morning.
Shirdi saibaba Kakad aarti for listening online
Download link for listening in P.C, CD, mobile
Shirdi Saibaba Kakad Aarti download link (After the page loads, look for a download Icon on the top right corner in Google drive)
Option two -Make sure you click the proper download button in 4 shared as the site might have ads confusing you and at the times the ads are visually not good. Kindly ignore them. Am using that site just as devotees complain that google drive doesn’t let them download at times. If there are any complaints please mail me, friends.
Shirdi Saibaba Kakad Aarti Meaning in English – Aarti lyrics
2. Shirdi Saibaba Madhyana Aarti – Noon Aarti

Shirdi Sai Baba Aarti to your beautiful Sai deva
Shirdi Saibaba Madhyana Aarti. Click the play icon every Noon.
Shirdi Saibaba Madhyana Aarti download link for playing in P.C and Mobile .(After the page loads, look for a download Icon on the top right corner in Google drive)
Shirdi Saibaba Madhyana Aarti download link
Shirdi Saibaba Madhyana Aarti meaning in English
3. Shirdi Saibaba Dhoop Aarti – Evening Sai baba aarti

Saibaba statue and photo in your house becomes real sai when you sing aarti
Shirdi Saibaba Dhoop aarti in Google drive. You can also light lamps to Shirdi Sai baba photo or statue in your house.
Shirdi Saibaba Dhoop Aarti download link for playing in P.C, C.D and Mobile .(After the page loads, look for a download Icon on the top right corner in Google drive)
Shirdi Sai baba dhoop aarti Download link
Shirdi Saibaba evening dhoop aarti meaning in English
4. Shirdi Sai baba Shej Aarti – Listen during night time…

Saibaba is happy when you listen and sing sai aarti
Shirdi Sai Baba Shej aarti for listening every night
Shirdi Saibaba Shej aarti Mp3 download for playing in Computer
Shirdi Saibaba Shej aarti Mp3 download link – (After the page loads, look for a download Icon on the top right corner in Google drive)
Shirdi Sai baba Shej Aarti Meaning in English
The below Saibaba Shej Aarti (Night Aarti of Saibaba) is taken in Saibaba temple I regularly visit.
Hope you listen to Shirdi Saibaba aarti regularly and also learn to recite them by heart friends.
Note that all the downloads are Shirdi Sai Baba aarti are provided only for devotees’ welfare. To support the artist and the music production house, Kindly try to purchase Saibaba Aarti DVD or Pay for their digital downloads and buy. Sai likes it when you pay for what you have received. So do it whenever you find time and opportunity.
Whatever you do for Saibaba like chanting, abishekam , aarti listening, and singing, if you do it with pure devotion, surely Saibaba accepts it happily the same as he accepted to devotees during his lifetime in Shirdi.
Om sainathaya namaha
5 :11:2009
I wholeheartedly thank each and every one of Shirdi Saibaba devotees who commented for this Sai aarti downloads. The credit goes to the respective Album producers and singers, Musicians. Kindly buy original DVDs so that it supports these creative people.
Write few words about your love for Shirdi Saibaba or experiences to mail id in . That too is a way of supporting StarSai. Please have a look at few more articles where you can express your love for Shirdi Saibaba
Do you remember any small incident about how Saibaba blessed you with peace and happiness?
How did Shirdi Sai Baba bring happiness in your life?
Express your love for Shirdi Saibaba
I love Shirdi Saibaba because
Sai Ki Jai
basically. im a catholic and only by watching a sai programme on tv i became sai devotee few years back…… i have seen him in dream and felt his presence in my life very often…….
omm sai namo namah shirdi sai namo namah
i love sai baba, plz aarati me hume darsan dedo babaji plz plz plz baba.
Om Sai Ram please give my daughter a good proposal and have a happy life .
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram give me good health .
Baba’s miracles are unfonthamble….He loves his children very much…he will watch us definitely…where ever we go..what ever we do..he take care of us…a small instance…we made a family trip to my family diety’s temple…i have see sai ma’s paotrait in every vehicle.i saw other buses also .but ma made us to sitin those buses and trnsprt where he is der…he knws whr do we want and ..why he want it to happen would be revealed when we experience the grace of the blessing when it happen….some times we fail to notice the blessings also..but still he is mother ryt.he loves her children unconditionally…
After coming to home i listened ro the downloaded arati..evening…..i suddenly felt a female voice calling bindu..twice….at different times…i felt differently….baba i love you…
Twameva matacha pita twameva
Twameva banduscha sakhta twameva
Twameva vudya dravunam twameva
Twameva sarvam mama deva deva
Om Sai Ram
Digambara Digambara Digambara Sri padha vallabha digambara
om sai ram. sri sachidhanantha sathguru sainath. i startted beliving sai baba for past one year. my friend experienced some positive. she told me. then i started my prayers. i started keeping fasting for 9 weeks. but unfortunately i couldnt continue. then i had mny problems. before 3 months i was in a great problem then i thought i have to be under feet of baba. i week i kept my fasting i got 25% relax from my problem. now im continuing my fasting 100% i got relax from that problem.
my husband too have some allergy problem. he started keeping fasting . he is 50% ok i dont know baba will make it 100 % cure. next im going to fast for my family and my son.
baba hii jai.
main pehele Baba ji ko pranam kartihu.mare manoskamna porn nehi hoti abtak
sri sachitanda sadguru sainath ki jai
jsi sai baba… baba aapka ashirvad hamesha muj per banaye rkhna…. jsi sai baba…. i love my sai baba… meri hemesha help karana…jai sai baba….
Thank u baba…I was searching where and how to download the songs finally today by ur grace I got them…Thank u sooo much…love u baba.. 🙂
first off all thanks to this site.iove my baba.i cant live without him.he is every thing to me
om shiradi sai baba this is word for the hole world
Om sai ram frnds happy gurupoarnima to love her sai baba and my guru in sai baba om sai ram
sai baba ki jai
sai baba
sai om
sai ommmmmmmm
i love sai baba because is my breath and my life
Without him, i am none. Whatever i am doing, that is because of the shakthi given by him. Sairam
Meri or meri familyka raksha karo om sai namonamaha
Om sai namo namah sri sai namo namah jai jai sai namo namah sadguru sai namo namah. Bolo sadguru sai maharaj ki jai. Sai baba humesa mere upar apna asirvad banaye rakhna.pls help me baba meri manoshkamna puri karo. Om sai ram
Jai Sai Ram
Sab Ka Malik Ek….
Baba Majya Lahan chan Sthal yeu dya…Tumcha Ashirwad sobat asu dya….Jai Sai
Om shiridi vaasaaya vidhmahae, sachidhaa nandha yasa dheemaghe, dhano sayee pracho dhayath.
Om sadhguru sai ram, sai nath mahaji ki jai..
– I surrender my life in his feet… Love u Sai Baba.
Thank you so much for these aarties.
Sai baba is ma best frn.:)
Thanks for your blessings to my family Baba.
Om sai ram. …
Love you baba. .
Namaskar baba
Thanks for your blessings to my family baba.
Ommm sai ramm.
I too love my baba so much and my baba is everything to me and I realised lot of times that my baba is always with me and taking care of my recently idelivered my child normally its only because of my babas grace I thank my baba sooo much… om sai ram…
Ohm sai namho namaga…!
shree sai namho namaga…!
jai jai sai namho namaga…!
sadhguru sai namho namaga…!
I love sai baba..
i believe in sai , he is eternal
i required sai harathulu audio , if possible do need full how get them please.
ome shirdi sai nadhaya charanam saranam
sai baba mere pyar ko mujhe lata do,apke charana me koti koti pranam.
OM SHREESAI BABA,Please bless me,Ravi,Durga,Liam,Sam and Devi with all your heart.I beg your kind attention in all our matters.Please have blessings on Durga and the kids,espesially in the proceedings of her.I am sure YOU know everything.Please please bless US in all the matters.With humble PRAYERS,Kri shnakumari,Ravi,Durga,Liam,Sam and Devi.
Akhilanda koti brahmanda nayaka rajadhi raja yogi raja parabrahma Sri sachidananda sadguru sainath maharaja ki jai
Om sai ram
I belive saibaba so much before my marriage for d last 2years i dont have childrens so every one is asking about kids so one day i wen to shridi there i pray baba about kids and some personal matters(money) wen i came back from shridi my wife is pragnant with twins. Me and my wife was so happy and i do fasting every thursday. Thank u saibaba i vl once again come to shridi wit two kids pls bless everyone in the world.
On sai ram…..plz bless me….
Om sai ram…..
I like baba much . because he always with me. Om sairam
jai jai sai ram
There is no reason behind my love towards my beloved saibaba.He is my father my friend family baba must bless every one.Keep faith on Him
Baba plz bless my family. . .
Om Sai Ram. Sab pe nazer rakhna, sab pe karam karna.
I love you mere sai mere baba love u om sai ram mere sai nahta plz plz plz mere Dharsan deydho love u Mere sai baba om sai ram
I love you mere sai baba miss u sai baba plz sai nahta dhrasan deydho mere sai ram mere bhole sai i like u sai
I love saibaba..whn i think about him i feel that i dont hv any prblm..i blv on him.
Om sai ram
Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai……om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai
sai baba is my guru like rakshak