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Devotees Experiences

Shirdi Saibaba miracles everyday!

Shirdi Saibaba Miracles
Written by venkatraman

Om Sai Ram friends,

How are you people doing?

Sai saved my Amma coupled of days back when she was suffering from breathing problem. Our neighbors came to help. Two of these aunties were so kind to us. Sai certainly has saved my Amma.

Whenever my parents are in such emergency, I used to be active and do many things as a first aid. Giving Udi, Glucose water, sprinkling water on face and pressing their palm and legs. Some assume that I am in panic but to be honest, I don’t panic, I try to do all I could in that moment.

When your dear one’s are having emergency, rushing to hospital is just one option. You should try giving them little first aid to safe guard their life.

One of this aunty gave a kasayam which helped my Amma and she came back to life.

So that’s about my life. I am working hard to build my own Startup. One of this girl is working for me already. I also look for few more to join. Just that there’s no revenue yet. So praying Saibaba to help.

Here is a devotee’s experience I received recently. It was sent by a devotee called Lakhmi.

SAI BABA has done so many miracles. I want to share my miracles. My son is doing Engineering. He got one of the subjects very Low in the way that he cannot move further in that Engineering field. I was worried so much.

I prayed sai baba to rescue my child. a wonder of wonders happened. somehow he could do the course in a different school simultaneously so that it would not be an hindrance for his school.


I want to share one more miracle.

My mother had stomach pain and she literally one day cried a lot in front of baba and prayed that “Baba I don’t have anyone to take care of me. Please heal me” Next day morning when she got up from bed. All the pain vanished and she was okay. She was very happy and conveyed her gratitude to baba.

There are so many miracles which I want to share. Baba is OMNIPRESENT. He knows everyone’s difficulties and when we call for help. He certainly protects us. He is so kind as a mother.

For me, he is my Father,Mother,Brother and sister.

He is everything for me in my life.

Sada nimba vrukshasya moolaadhi vaasa
suhasravinam dhikkamabhya priyanthamam
tharu kalpavrukshaadhikam saadhayantham
namaameeswaram sadgurum sai natham

Sai Naathan


Hope you like this Sai leela friends. Baba bless all of you. Shirdi Saibaba miracles happens everyday. We should learn to thank Sai for all that he could do for us.

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