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Saibaba Photos

3 Shirdi Saibaba Statues from a Sai devotee in Toronto,Canada

shirdi saibaba statues
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

I tried to work on multiple projects these days. Sai showed me a dream to focus on one but not sure which one is really right for me to work on. Mean while, I get depressed at times since its not easy to achieve what I dream to. As I get old, I started to think if I am really going to do something of value or simply lead just another life and move on. There must be something Sai wants me to do and believe he will guide me.

I received few Shirdi Saibaba photos from one of my Sai Sis.. I am sharing only one for today !

Dear Venkat Brother

Sai Ram

I am from Toronto, I am regular reader of StarSai, every day morning before start my work I visit Starsai and read article or see any Baba’s picture.  As you know that I sent my story about how Baba came to me that was posted in starsai.  I wanted to send my pooja room Baba’s picture, it is not any particular pooja, it is my all time favorite Baba picture and 3 status of Baba.


Divine Shirdi Sai baba blessing from Sujayani’s home in Toronto, Canada

shirdi saibaba statues

Divine Shirdi Saibaba Statues

I am collecting Saibaba photos taken by simple, sweet devotees in their home. If you are interested, please send your sai photos and share your experiences.

Om Sai Ram



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