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Shirdi Saibaba Temple

Shirdi Saibaba Temple

Shirdi Sai Baba temple of Humanity welcomes you !

Does that sound like you have come on a pilgrimage to Shirdi or any holy place. Yes you have because “StarSai” is a Temple. I write about Sai experiences and Sai leela the past few years. So I this article I have tried to write few words about the greatness of Temple.

I pray Shirdi Sai Baba to bless devotees to lead a peaceful life. May they be content with what they have and learn to lead a simple life. Many of you are fortune enough to have a Saibaba temple near your home or where you go regularly like university or office etc.  I have seen Sai Baba temples of various kinds. Some temples are small and other Baba Temples are very huge but basically all Sai Baba temples has same power.

Any Shirdi Sai Baba temple even if its a Sai Statue or Photo kept under Shade of a Tree is powerful and divine if its created and worshiped with Kind, humble devotees.

I am writing this because in kaliyug, some people create Sai Baba temples and promote it in such a way that Sai lives only in that temple and devotees are supposed to travel all the way to that temple to be blessed. Honestly, Sai Baba lives in every life. Every humble devotee who keeps remembering Sai and Naam Smaran – Chanting of Gods or Saints holy name in mind and thinks and acts good is surely blessed as Sai considers his or her heart as his temple.

Temples are sacred place where you can find solace and feel the presence of Saibaba. Hence any Sai Mandhir is worth visiting.

The following are things to keep in mind when you visit Temples:

1. Sai likes you following your own religious belief and Gods of your family:

You can visit any Temple – Be it small Ganesha temple or Temple of Shiva, Vishnu or Goddess. Its not necessary that you must visit only Saibaba temple to find peace and be blessed. Sai encourages one to follow his/her own religious belief. If there’s a facility to light lamps, please do it regularly at home and temple in a safe place.

2.Every Shirdi Sai Baba temple is powerful and holy:

You can Visit any Shirdi Sai Baba temple if you like the priests and people there are kind. At times some may treat you harsh due to crowd etc but don’t keep all that in mind. Simply focus on your Guru Saibaba of Shirdi.

3. Worship Saibaba Photo or Sai Statue in your home:

Sai baba lives in any statue or Photo. So if you are not able to make it to temples or if you live abroad and temple is too far, simply worship Saibaba photo or statue in your house peacefully.

4.Do seva in temple or simply be a devotee and relax:

Do little seva in temple but when you feel its time to be calm and just remain as a devotee, Simply worship Saibaba, relax, do meditation, light lamps and go home  – as I have seen in some temples devotees who do service has more ego than the humble devotees who come to pray Sai. Don’t go and ask anyone you want to do seva. If it comes your way, its for you or its simply others work.

Don’t get into the egoistic political war happening in Seva world. I have experienced it though am fortunate to get some good people around by Sai grace.

5.Doing little good deeds is better than visiting temple:

More than Visiting temple or even Shirdi spending lots of money, what matters is doing good to your family and yourself. Do any thing that you consider is beneficial and Good. Do any good deeds. Even if you spend time with your kids or other’s children and teach them something good, its something Saibaba will be happy about.  Having said that, Going to temple has its own benefit. So when ever your mind wishes, please go to near by temple which brings you happiness.

Some people have habit of visiting Shirdi every single year. Look at me. Its 2013. I visited shirdi in Feb 2009. I see Shirdi in my heart. I see Sai living in my heart. I just wish to say, its not necessary or a rule that you have to go to Shirdi when ever you desire. Sai wants you to focus on your education, career and family responsibilities and only when you feel its really good time to go shirdi, you can go.

6. Make sure if its “Shirdi’ Saibaba temple:

This is most important request. I don’t like people promoting Guru’s who are sitting there in the name of Sai. I honestly feel one must directly worship Saibaba without any middle man who claims to have powers to speak to saibaba, who does meditation or some pooja to help you etc. Never believe people who might try to dominate you in the name of Sai. Be careful friends.

Also make sure its temple dedicated to “Shirdi” Sai Baba. Its my personal opinion that “Sai” means only saibaba of shirdi and I will me writing this all my life untill i Die.

Each Sai devotee is different from one another and we  have one common sadhguru the sweet saint saibaba of shirdi. Sai being omnipresent and Omnipotent knows the soul of each of his devotee.

Antaryami – Saibaba lives in the walls of your heart :

Sai knows what our atman was in previous several births and Sai knows about the good and bad karma of our Ancestors. These 2 factors influence the birth time and planetary position for our present life due to which we has problems and sufferings in life. Some enjoy a happy life and some suffer too much. Saibaba knows our feelings and not only our action , every thought that originates in us is known to Saibaba. Sai is the inner ruler of your heart.

Shirdi Saibaba Antaryami

Shirdi Saibaba Antaryami

The way Shirdi Saibaba works :

Friends, once MG.Rege was wondering at a sight where many sai devotees were reading a spiritual book sitting in dwarakamai and out site. Rege was worried as he dont have habit and interest to read holy books and felt if he should. As soon as this thought came into his mind, Saibaba told him “Books are not for you.Your present way of devotion is enough”

What we understand here is Saibaba influences each one of his devotee through the way the devotee is interested and happy to do. Sai works for each of us differently. For some Saibaba blesses with dream, For some through books and for some through words of parents and good friends or any good incidents in life.

The greatness of Saint shirdi saibaba is he chooses the best way for a devotee to show guru bhakti and guide him through his devotion for life time.

Guru bhakti – Devotion towards Guru is so powerful that if a true guru wills, he can change our bad luck into good luck.

All of us know Shirdi Sai baba and worship him . The pooja, articles, photography in starsai is only to help each one of saibaba devotee surrender to shirdi saibaba with great faith.

I am also a ordinary Sai devotee with desires, needs and hopes. I also get upset when things doesn’t happen as i wish. Probably saibaba wants me to go through all this and still have interest in helping sai children as the one who has gone through sufferings and devoted to sainath might be able to understand others feelings .

Write to venkat

If you have any problems, Suggestion, Prayer request or any beautiful experience with saibaba of shirdi, you are most welcome to write to me. All mails are kept confidential and i write to sai children if i feel like and if i have time.

At times if i feel its better to remain calm with a humble prayer and at times i try to write few words which might help you and encourage you to sail with Sai with firm faith in the ocean of wordly life.

You can mail me at

Om Sri Sainathaya Namah



  • Sai Baba is my Divine Father who i like most in this world……………..Love u Appa

  • Om Sai Ram, do some miracles in my life, i m fed up . om sai sri sai jaya jata sai…………………………….

  • Baba help me plz i am too worried about my studies and all those things which happens in my life plz guide me sai nath i am too depressed these days and really need your help.

  • SaiBaba plzzz m fed up of d quarrels of family members at my home………plz do something baba plzzz……….OmSaiRam……..bow to ur feet baba

  • sairam have little as prasad …give it to family members if they like to have and rest pour for plants like tulsi or garden etc

  • Baba…i wish to come and see u in Shirdi…
    please bless me and my family to have ur darshan in Shirdi… awaiting for that to happen in my life…LOVE U BABA…


    om sai namoah namah
    shree sai namoah namah
    jai jai sai namoah namah
    satguru sai namoah namah….


  • Baba plz do solve my difficulties ,and let my mind rest in peace. Baba u as a father know what i am talking about.

  • Dear Sir,

    This is a beautiful site that I visited a few months back, and since then its become a beautiful Journey.
    Lighting a lamp, offering flowers to Sai, Naivedya kept daily to Sai, has solved my problems. I came closer to Sai, after my Shirdi Visit recently. Sai answers my questions via Satcharitra and guides me every day.
    Tells me to remain calm, not to react to the negatives of the mind. Very important aspect in spiritual and materialistic development. Chants of “Om Sai Sri Sai Jay Jay Sai” will help body to be receptive of the devine energy.

    Faith and Patience are two basic factors, that help sail a person in any times good or bad.

    Bad times are like passing clouds, if one realizes that and keep faith in Sai, our endurance to situations will be further developed. Developing endurance with will power will help us over come our bad karma and helps us further to enjoy our good karma.

    Donations to needy, temples with tithing will help remove bad phases. Sankalpa before starting any work will help to accomplish the work. Determination is very important, clean thoughts and focus on goals is suggested by Sai. Meditation on Sai, helps to clam the mind and affirmations help us to realize our dreams.

    Om Sai Ram

  • Baba please help me baba pls help me , baba i didnt saw my dad from 4 years , please show some mercy on me baba let my dad forgive me baba, reunite us baba, reunite me with my parents and my home baba,baba please do miracle for me baba, baba my dad is a very egoistic person baba everyone decided that my dad totally left me and forget me, baba nd it seems like that only i am unable to bear such pain baba help me and u know that also , baba i beg u respond to my prayers baba pls help me babaji, i am in desparate need of my family and my home, my dad is working in H now transfer him to Hup baba , baba let my dad talk about me with my mom please u have to change my dad, bless my dad with humanity remove al negativities from my dad make him think pleasantly ,please baba forgive me for all the mistakes and sins i had ever did and deliver me with all the tensions which is bothering me now.

  • baba plz be with me with my every decision..i want to make my parenys and family always be.want to give them everythings.

    i want to be good human being and successfull in my life.


  • BABA you are my guru, my guide, my teacher, my friend, my life, my world, my everything. I seek refuge at your divine feet for births to come. Let my shadow leave me but you never leave me BABA. Your daughter will be no where if you leave her.

    “”MY BABA…SHIRDI SAI BABA”” .. Om Jai Sai Ram


    pls be with me & guide me..every moment of my life.


  • Om sai Ram!

    Love you baba ,You are every thing to me, You have saved me many times & fulfilled my wishes undoubtedly, My one more pray to sai baaba to bless every person with his kind blessing.Baba please fulfill the desire of my family also & lead us to near You & you only.

  • Baba, please give me the strength of your faith so that I can believe and be worriless that you have my best interest in mind. That no matter what, things will change one day …and be better.
    Please give me the gift of faith and strength to sail through and believe that everything you do is for my good.


  • Om Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai

    This is a beautiful site. I also is pure believer of sairam. Need his powers always for prosperity and peace for INDIA my Country and the GLOBE.


    This is purely good site. Want to be in touch with you sairam

  • Jai Shirdi Sai Baba
    plz Sai babaji pls give me courage to face my exam . Baba pls do help me to answer exam paper well and get high marks. I will then visit shirdi anc fall on yr foot and pray as usual.
    Om jai Sai Ram

  • OM Sai Ram..

    Sai aap antaryami ho .. humare dukho ko harne wale sri sai apko koti koti pranam…

  • Jai Sai Ram.
    Baba I am one of your humble devotee. I here sharing my 2nd Experience of Baba which is really very wonderful too. Baba kindly foregive me if I have done any wrong.
    I had visited Shirdi 5 times and had the luck happyness of touching Baba’s sublime feet 5 times. But my happyness wonder of seeing Baba (alive 2 Babas inside enclosed grills-one Baba raising His sublime hand to bless me) in Dwarkamai during mylast visit in 2004 was awesome or.!!! I dont get suitable word.! My wife&children and grand children when I asked them
    said theydid not see same. All cant be blessed. What a wonderful happening it was. Pray Baba give me and all devotees such sweet blessings again and again!.
    I had another different blessing of Baba as given below.
    I and my fmly were going thru a gruesome period few years ago. One day at 2 pm when I came from office(saturday) – my flat was on 2nd floor- along with me one dog also came on 2nd floor sat down the staircase as though somebody called.on seeing this I gave 2 slices of bread(fortunately there was bread ). Dog ate it and ran away. 2 days this happened. I think Baba in the form of dog came to pacify me I being a ardent devntee of Baba. (in SAI SAT CHARITHRA I have read such happening). JAI SAI RAM

  • Baba, I have begun Saptah Parayan today. Have tremendous unshakeable faith in you Baba. Please deliver my wife & son back to me Baba.

  • Jai Sadguru Sai Ram
    I haling from kerala naturally be a devotee of famous Guruvayur sree Krishna. But to my surprise I am an ardent devotee of shri shirdi SAI BABA.
    I was employed 1st in Calcutta( from 1958-1966 july). From 1966 july onwards I had been working in a private company in Hyderabad and retired from there. I continued there till 2006. Came down to kerala(kannur – my home town).
    I bought a photo of SRee SAI for pooja. Now I have several photos of my SAI due to whom, I belive, I am still alive. I got a 2nd life in 1986. I was down with a serious disease (TETNUS) in 1986 after I returned from my official tour at Lucknow. 7 days I couldnt eat or drink properly anything. After 7 days hospitalised 15 days by TETNUS. Just escapd from death got a 2nd life as said by dr. Only Sai Baba saved me from a possible death(or some other serious disease like fits as per Dr). My 3 daughters would have been……
    Bless all.

  • Narayanan pisharody
    October 5, 2012 • 8:02 am
    Jai Sadguru Sai Ram
    I haling from kerala naturally be a devotee offamous Guruvayur sree Krishna. But to my surprise I am an ardent devotee of shri shirdi SAI BABA.
    I was employed 1st in Calcutta( from 1958-1966july). From 1966 july onwards I had been working in a private company in Hyderabad and retired from there. I continued there till 2006.Came down to kerala(kannur – my home town).
    I bought a photo of SRee SAI for pooja. Now I haveseveral photos of my SAI due to whom, I belive, I am still alive. I got a 2nd life in 1986. I was down with a serious disease (TETNUS) in 1986 after I returned from my officialtour at Lucknow. 7 days Icouldnt eat or drink properly anything. After 7 days hospitalised 15 days by TETNUS. Just escapd from death got a 2nd life as said by dr. Only Sai Baba saved me from a possible death(or some other serious disease like fits as per Dr). My 3 daughters would have been……
    Bless all

  • Appa pls give me a job. Pls appa, how long i’ve been waited kno, open ur eyes towards me.. Pls appa. Need job.. Semester gonna end appa, wen ll u gve me a job ?

  • BABA……..!!! thank you for everything you’ve given me…..!!! loveee you BABA…!! you are my everything…!!!!

  • Baba am your devotee please give me a peace of mind and am always want to surrender my soul to your feet.
    \baba when i get my peace appa please send me pa

  • baba please take care of my problem sai om sainatha yanamha om sainathya namaha om sainathaya namha om sairam om sairam om sairam omsairam om sairam om sairam omsairam om sairam

  • sai baba ashish aur mujhe sadh budhi dijiye.. humhe phir se ek karna.. mann mein poora vishwas hain ki mere sath kuch bhi galat nahi hone denge aap aur ab jo bhi ho raha hain usme bhi hamare liye kuch acha hain.. mujhse jo galtiya hui hain unke liye mujhe maaf karna sai baba.. hamare iss rishtey ko bnaye rakhna baba. maine jisse pyar kiya apne woh mujhe diya, hamari shaadi karwayi.. please sai baba meri shadi ko bacha lijiye.. mere aur ashish ke pyar ko har buri nazar se bachana sai baba……. humhe phir se ek kardo sai baba 🙂

  • Baba you are the one always with me.Pls, help me to solve the problems which ever is coming on my way with out hurting anyone.

  • Baba had been holding my hand for the past 15 yrs……..and during these years I had experienced innumerable Leelas of Baba and I had always been humble nad devoted to Him whole heartedly. Among all the Leelas that I experienced , along with my father’s miraculous recovery from cerebral attack , thr most memorable was the transformation of my husband from an athiest to a believer of Baba………..a person who would tease me whenever I did puja,…… a person who makes sure to reach home before the dhoop arati…………………….. what more can I expect….and Baba has given me all these when I never complained to Him or even asked Him for anything. What I always prayed for was….SADBUDDHI .
    But today when my son is severely struck with Bad Luck and is praying to Baba following all my instructions, why is Baba not answering his prayer ?……..I just pray that my son’s belief I Baba become firm forever

    “Mujhe sada jivit hi jaano Anubhav karo satya pehchano”
    Om Sai Ram
    From……Sai Ki Reham Nazar ki Pyasi…….Piu Majumdar

  • tumahre bina me kya karungi,i got all my answer,mujhe kavi v chod ke mat sai ram

  • omm sai ram,Baba always blessing me & my family,i follow your path in my whole life.Baba make my life for hlep of poor man & fullfil my dream.

  • Om sai sri sai jai jai sai plz thandro chala problems face chaidanki nvue naku meda naku namakumu sai na marriage ne daya…………….kani eppadu na husband job,na family nato kalavadamu andna ani problems ne meda bhharamu vestananu…….wait for u help me urgenet plz plz plz sai….I love u sai so much…………….

  • Om Sai Ram
    Om Sai Ram
    Om Sai Ram
    Om Sai Ram.

    I love you baba. I cant imagine my life without your presence.

  • Sai Ram.. You know what problems I have with my project..Look after me.. That is the only thing i ask for.. Help me decide..

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