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Shirdi Saibaba’s love for lighting lamps

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

I have a small gift to all of you for 98th MahaSamadhi day of Shirdi Saibaba on October 11th 2016 – A Sai video that will make you realize the beauty and divinity of lighting lamps. I am not sure why I am doing this and what makes me do this? I am going through some worries and hence feel good when I do some work for Sai. When my parents are not in good health and when I am not sure what’s next in my life,I just don’t know where Sai is taking me.

Wish I lived before 100 years so that I would have seen Saibaba and played with him. I do believe that I have spent my previous birth with him because Sai has said that we are related to him birth after birth and he has been taking care of us all the while.

I worked all the day for this simple video to spread the value of lighting lamps. I almost spent lifetime telling people personally and through StarSai that they must light lamps. I have reached a stage in life where I have to focus on other practical way of doing good deeds. Hence, I want to create a video that will work for me when I am busy with other things in life.

One of my friend in Mumbai, listened to my Marriage Nation video while driving car and told me that she could not control her tears and stopped the car. She messaged me saying it made her think of reading Sai Satcharita. I call this ‘Touching the heart of Sai Children”. What ever I do must touch the lives of Sai devotees in one way or other. This gives me immense satisfaction.

Similarly, I hope this video too will make you all happy.

I want to hear many of you enjoying lighting lamps after watching this video. For those who already love lighting lamps, this is a way I show my gratitude to them because the more lamps you light, the happier Sai becomes.

Here’s the video

Shirdi Saibaba loves lighting lamps 

The Making of Sai Lamp video

This morning, being Saraswati pooja, I woke up, cleaned my car after several days..he he and also my Computer table. I feel both my Car and Computer are smiling now because I usually find it really boring to clean. My father asked me to keep my Camera but I told him its outdated and I have to get a new one. He insisted that I must keep it for pooja and I did. Not to mention, the microphone I stole from office too got all the respect it deserves. A kumkum! I wonder when I will buy my own Microphone and keep it back in office. I am looking for the right one. Let’s see. Isn’t stealing wrong? May be…But I must make videos for Sai. So its OK. he he….

We did pooja to our Navratri Gollu. I searched for any good back ground score and found this one by Illayaraja sir in an old Tamil film. I found it traditional and suitable for spreading a divine message in a cheerful way.

Then, I washed this simple Saibaba statue like Lord Surya and kept kumkum to him. Two weeks back, I bought a designer lamp made of mud. It was very beautiful and my parents asked why I need it? I told them, that I am going to do photography with the lamp. So I kept the lamp, plucked 3 colors of flowers from the plants in my home and started decorating. This is our shooting spot. I am little worried that I don’t have a good DSLR camera. I am simply using my mobile phone to take simple clippings. It’s too shaky and I had to do slow motion to hide the shake to max.

There was an ant going between flowers in the first shot and I felt its OK to have it as it makes it look natural.

The concept is simple

First you see empty lamp.

Then, Lamp along with wicks

Then, Lamps with oil as if Saibaba is mixing water and oil to light lamps

Lamps are being lit!

Celebrate Sai with his miraculous lamps!

I created simple texts in-between the clippings to tell the below Sai leela found in Chapter 5 of Sri Sai Satcharita

Dwarakamai Saibaba

Dwarakamai Saibaba with all his glory

Turning Water into Oil

Sai Baba was very fond of lights. He used to borrow oil from shopkeepers, and keep lamps burning the whole night in the Masjid and temple. This went on for some time. The Banias, who supplied oil gratis, once met together and decided not to give Him oil. When, as usual, Baba went to ask for oil, they all gave Him a distinct No. Unperturbed, Baba returned to the Masjid and kept the dry wicks in the lamps. The banias were watching Him with curiosity. Baba took the Tumrel (tin pot) which contained very little (a few drops) of oil, put water into it and drank it and forced it fall in the container.

After consecrating the tin-pot in this way, He again took water in the tin-pot and filled all the lamps with it and lighted them. To the surprise and dismay of the watching Banias, the lamps began to burn and kept burning the whole night. The Banias repented and apologized. Baba forgave them and asked them to be more truthful in future.

Pooja Sai inspired me to create

Some of the simple pooja I have created is based on my love for lighting lamps. Everyone does that. I use the word “Create” since I try to simplify rituals and make sure people don’t worry about rules. If you do any pooja with pure heart and devotion, surely it will reach saints and God.

  1. StarSai Shradha Saburi Pooja
  2. Lemon Lamps Pooja for Saibaba

And there are so many articles in StarSai related to lamps

5 lamps carrying you good messages to make it really a “Happy” Deepavali

Value of Lighting Lamps and Saibaba Blessings for Happy married life

I also compare Goddess Saraswathi and Knowledge with lamp and light  – Saraswathi, The Mother who lights lamp of knowledge in our life

108 lamps pooja for Shirdi Saibaba and God, Goddess you love

Once, I mentioned about the greatness of lighting 108 lamps. A devotee in the U.S, sent me photos of her 108 lamps pooja. It became a occasional article in StarSai as several devotees across India and abroad send me photos after lighting 108 lamps.

Murugan and Shirdi Saibaba pooja offering 108 lamps

108 lamps pooja for Shirdi Saibaba with mother-in-law

Divine Pooja for Goddess Bhuvaneswari

108 Deepam Puja for Shirdi Sai Baba inspired by Star Sai

Further, Sai inspired me to make a micro site exclusively to spread the value of lighting lamps –

I have always been interested in lighting lamps and request everyone to do it.

I hope enjoyed the video friends.

Do write to me your experiences with Shirdi Saibaba.

Om Sai Ram


Its 2.7 now..Already my Father woke up and asked why am still not sleeping. Tata. Pray for my Father to get healed. Tell me how you liked the video. Hey…Did you notice Baba is sitting on my wallet? He he..I did not had anything else to place Baba and seems it fits him right! I am yours and My wallet is yours. My money is yours Sai!

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  • Hi venkat, i had performed 108 lamps to Sai baba on Ayudha Pooja day at home. My mother in law helped me and even my aunty ans uncle also accompanied us. we were all happy lighting 108 lamps to sai baba. I was just asking baba if he liked those 108 lamps which we lighted and your today’s video is the answers. Thank you sai baba .

  • Beautiful video, helped me so much. So much love for Sai Baba, can feel his protection. Thank you Venkat for your Coffee With Venkat channel. The videos are so inspirational.

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