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Short Film about the way Marriages happens in India

Sairam friends,

Its been several years since I wrote a script. My first screenplay writing was a full length 125 page script which was never made as a film. I tried a bit when I was into film making but later on, I kept it safe as my treasure. Someday, I will surely make it as a film..Lets see

Recently, my friends at office made me get interested in writing a script for a Short Film. Its something I never wanted to do as it makes me get close to film making but for long time, I wanted to try something with my Mini DV camera.

To write any screenplay, you must have got upset with some thing wrong in society. Something very painful that you want to change. I was reading few articles about how students in school and colleges commit suicide just because they could not get the result they expect. Every 5 minute someone in India is committing suicide which really bothered me. Even successful guys and girls attempt suicide just because they can’t cope up a relationship problem or issues at work etc. I have tried indirectly in StarSai to make people believe that someday their life will be good.

Further, since I am not legally allowed to do counseling, I can’t take this issue seriously and serve people in pain. There are organizations which can guide such people in depression. Simply search for Suicide counseling India (or any location where you live). You might find some help. It seems if one person commits suicide, minimum 7 people are being harmed by their loss and it becomes a burden for them. So please no matter what happens in life, stay alive. You came here to do something good for yourself or others.

Now. As a filmmaker, I can’t go and preach. I just want to touch this topic somewhere in the script but wanted to tell a story which every one likes.

Having StarSai has made me listen to real stories of hundreds of thousands of people across India and around the world. People write me about their problems in married life and issues they face. I have seen successful men and women with big career and wealth facing some kind of problems. So money and studies are not at all going to guarantee happiness in a married life.

But when ever parents look for alliance for their son/daughter, they have few conditions. It has really made me wonder if these elderly people have actually understood life?  I know people believe in studies and good education. Fine. I will go by it but what about career? A Man or women working in a big company might loose their job anytime if economy is not good. So will they feel they choose the wrong guy or girl?

Indian Marriages happens based on external scene and status. You can know the reality of a Man or a women only after you get married. Most marriages works well but some marriages doesn’t.

I know a girl who had to argue with her parents as the guy she loved was from some other caste. The girls Father clearly said he won’t agree. Few days later, the guy sent him details about how much he earns ( His offer letter with package of few lakhs a month). Immediately, her father agreed to meet the guy.

So for some people its caste, for some its education and for most parents, its Money that matters.

I have been guiding so many men and women the past several years for better relationship and wish this small effort too helps people understand that in any relationship “Love and true affection” matters and not money and education.

I agree money gives you comfort and happiness to an extent but don’t get into a relationship without knowing your partner’s nature.

Since I keep StarSai very personal, I can’t directly write the name of the Short film here. It might bring it up when people search. So I will simply give you a Link…Hope this doesn’t get listed.

Since I want every one of my friends in Mumbai and all my Sai devotee friends to enjoy the film and understand the story, I spent over 5 hours on Sunday to do subtitles in English. Hope you like it. Now I am going to Nagasai mandhir.

Click Here for Short Film

Note that since I used sound tracks of other movies, it won’t show in countries like Germany ( My sister’s friend told me). It works in U.S and India. In my next work, I wish to use original sound track.



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