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Simple Sai pooja

Simple Sai Pooja
Written by venkatraman

Simple Saibaba Pooja

Om Sai Ram friends,

Hope you are all doing good. I am still not able to come out of the pain after my father’s demise. I am still suffering in my career. I wish Saibaba shows me a way. I do prayers to Sai and also chant. Just that, I don’t know what to write to Sai children. So, kept calm.

Honestly, I also get busy with my other work.

Firstly, I will share a beautiful pooja done by a Sai devotee from the US. When she sent these photographs, I saw her divine love on Baba and wanted to show it to the world.

Simple Sai Baba Pooja

This morning, the nerves in my leg pulled and I got severe pain. I called my appa and Sai to save me. After 5 minutes, my Mom applied ayurvedic oil and I got relieved.

Life is like this. We have a deep pain and Saibaba sends someone to heal us. To me, it was my parents. Only reason, I feel happy is that my Father regularly appears in dream and guides me.

I will try to write regularly in StarSai from now on.

Please feel free to share your experiences.

Om Sai Ram


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