I have finally started working on some project and I hope at least this time, I don’t stop it and continue to do it forever. I am connecting with several Tech Entrepreneurs and happy about it. The only problem is I have too little time.
I will break the flow of information to show you a beautiful Saibaba photo contributed by Murali Sai. Please send Sai photos taken by you at your home.

Saibaba Pooja at Muruli’s home
We usually spend some of our time in speaking to people around us at work. Then, At times, I feel sleepy. Sometimes, I worry thinking about future. There are few who ask me “If you are so devoted to Saibaba, Your life must have been good by this time.” People don’t know the relationship Sai and I have. A Guru is not meant to give comfort and success alone. A Guru can also help us go through failure smoothly. Irrespective of all the hardships I faced, Sai has been with me silently and helped me cross this ocean of wordily miseries.
Anyway. As of now, I have little time in a day and have lots to learn and do.
I just wish to convey a message here.
I never earn anything from the extra work I do after I come home. I work at night and also wake up early to do it. At times, I do feel sad that I can’t make money out of what I do. To me, Life is not about making money. I wish to create a network. The more good you do to people who wants to grow, the better your life will be. We must do our best to help others and someday, we will be able to establish ourselves in our field of interest.
So make use of your time productively. 24 hours is not enough for us to learn and do all that we can. Only during few stages in your life, you get time to work like this. So try to avoid worrying much like me and focus on your field of interest.
What ever you do, do it with passion
I have little time as am hurrying to work.
Om sai ram
Om sri Sainadaya Namaha! Sarve jana Sukino bavantu! Loka samasthan sukino bavanthu! Om sai Ram.
Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai…
Om sai ram
Om sai ram..love u