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When you can’t find a solution to a problem, change the problem

Sairam friends,

Sometimes, a silly thing could be the greatest highlight of the day. To me, it is parking the car in a Tree shadow for the past two days. I can do it as long as none complains about it in the place I work. Every year, during Summer, I pray Sai to bless us with good rain. Last year, until the end of June, there wasn’t any rain. Later, I thanked Sai for the rain we were blessed with from July 2017.

Here’s an article I wrote in 2013 –

When Sai wills, It doesn’t just Rain,It pours

The other day, one of this guy was telling that these people did not make a shed for vehicles in parking space just because none asked for it. Its true that many of us don’t get what we want from the Nation, Society or the organization we work just because we did not ask for it.

Now a days, I am doing research on Rivers and about water scarcity issues in India. This evening, I stayed back for long at work. I was telling my colleague about the hardships the Egyptians had to undergo to build Suez Canal. I saw this documentary film – The Suez Canal Documentary – NatGeo TV

I can’t forgive Britishers for what they did to every single country.

India lost a lot because of over 400 years of suppression from 16th century. During the same period, the Europeans had all their time to focus on Art. You can see several fine art experts emerging during this period from other countries. India also missed the industrial revolution because it happened during the peak of Indian freedom struggle. Unification of Indian rivers and so many other projects could have happened in early 17th or 18th century had India was left free. Its just my assumption though. Even if all the states agree for such a project today, its economically difficult to execute it.

Who’s this girl and why Sai blessed me with her in several dreams?

2018 March 31st marks 2 years since I got a message from Sai during my Mumbai trip. Today, I walked to the parking space around 9 at night and stood there for a while. Nobody was around and since Saibaba temple would have been already closed, I felt like sitting in car for few minutes and think about my life. When I saw Saibaba photo in the mobile, I asked him

“When will I get an answer for all the dreams you showed me Sai?”

Practically speaking, I must have got past it long back because I don’t even know this girl. Secondly, this girl has her own life and dreams. Thirdly, I confused about why Sai should show “This” purticular girl in dream? Aren’t there any other girls on Earth? The most important reason I feel guilty and embarrassed is because I din’t expect such an experience during this period in my life. I feel that my life is gone and all I have are my parents. As long as they are doing good, I will be happy.

As I kept on thinking, I could not find any practical reason for Saibaba to show this girl in dream. Sai does another unusual act based on my past experiences. He will himself bless me with a dream to keep away from this girl forever. On several occasions I pleaded to atleast show Sai such a dream. This will help me get rid of such thoughts completely. But Sai has never done that. I get really confused and used to put chits to Sai in temple asking him what to do? Until now, Sai never gave me any clear answer.

After several months, I realized that something is wrong with me. May be, I am mentally ill? Am I Phychic? I can only laugh at myself for framing such stories because if Sai can’t prove what he did to me, I can only conclude that I have lived an imaginary life. As I wrote in one of my previous article –A mind that Sai alone understands, all that I experienced could be hallucination.

When you can’t find a solution to a problem, change the problem

You believe it or not, when Sai started such dreams from September 13th 2016, he did that in a very peculiar way. I don’t want to openly write about it as none will trust me. The way Sai adopted to convey messages regarding what’s going to happen helped me get a less depressed. It was as if Sai knows for sure that I am going to go through depression because of this issue. So he tried to convey messages in a very harmoneous way. Irrespective of all that Sai tried to do, I couldn’t stop getting depressed.

How will it be if the Guru you trust with heart and soul tells you something repeatedly and that has got nothing to do with reality.

How will it be if I can’t even get any clue why all this happened?

Every night, I pray Sai to appear in dream and give me a clarity. Every morning, when I wake up, I get upset if Sai did not gave me any such answer. There’s a limit for a human being to lead a life between dreams and reality. I am not an alien to lead this life.

I am like this because of the relationship I have with Sai, the bond that Sai and I have.

Even if what ever Sai says aren’t anywhere close to reality, its essential to respect Sai’s words. I can’t and don’t know to lead a life beyond Sai’s words.

Thankfully, the past 2-3 weeks has been different.

I gradually started focussing on the bigger problem.

I decided to go beyond my own life and see my Nation and it’s welfare as my life. 

I always think about India-China border issues. I keep track of what’s happening in Indian borders and what China is doing strategically. Based on what I read, I analyze what Chinese government might be planning to do to India in the next one year, 5 year or 10-20 years.

When I walk, eat or do anything else, my mind is occupied by how India must keep itself safe and grow ahead.

I started reading History. I am trying to understand about Ind0-Pak War, Indo-Sino war in 1960’s. I also worry a lot about why we missed to protect Tibet believing China as friends. They still are but they don’t seem to be at times. If Tibet was an independent country, it would have been spiritual tourism destination of the world.

Today, I tracked the origin of river Brahmaputra which flows into Arunachal Pradesh and Assam. I am trying to analyze what the Chinese are doing and planning to do in future. I hope “Water” must unite us and should not create further problems.

Apart from this, internally, I am upset with the governance and the some issues related to elections in India. I launched a project but its yet to do its job. Lets see how it goes.

The problem with most of us in India is that, we don’t pay attention to what other countries are doing to harm us.

When I come home and see my Mom being sick, I get upset but I speak to her for few minutes. I listen to her. This is the only think I believe we must do to our parents as they get old – Speak to them.

So what’s the message you got from this article?

So many of you write to me about problems in family, in relationship, in career etc.

Well, at times, you have to worry about it. You must find a solution to the problem and pray Sai to help you.

At the same time, you must also try to keep your mind focussed on a bigger cause and effect. A bigger problem and solution.

Take one step back from your own life and welfare.

See the bigger picture.

You are not alone. So many are suffering worser than you.

Pick what interests you most and learn about it. There’s always a way to live and diverting your mind towards a bigger social problem is one way.

I am going to sleep now.

Edit – I hugged Sai book and slept off. I had various dreams. Once again, I saw a dream about happenings in China. I predict things are going to be hard in the days to come. Having said that, a country cannot suppress its people and their feelings. At one point, they will certainly retaliate.

A month back, a Chinese reporter very rolled her eyes as She was annoyed with another reporter asking questions to the Government appreciating them too much. State sponsored Chinese media always does propaganda against India. The whole internet across the globe admired this reporter’s candid reaction.

This epic eye roll from a Chinese reporter is breaking the internet

I also had another dream related to my work. I can expect a change in the next 2-3 month or sooner. When ever Sai blesses me with other dreams, I thank him but I also tell him “You did not answer me about what to do about this girls issue?. I know Sai will answer me someday because he knows how much I am depressed, embarrassed and how I am trying to cope up.

Anyway, as of now, focussing on India helps me.

Many girls who write to me about problems in their relationship must also try this. I don’t think they understand what I mean when ever I ask them to divert their mind doing a new course or learning new language. The idea is to engage yourself in something more productive.

Om Sai Ram


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