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Some days are like this…

Sairam friends,

I remember very few stories from the Sai’s book I read regularly. One of the story is about Tarkad family. As you all know, after 1910, hundreds of devotees started coming to Shirdi from Bombay and other near by States. Once, it was a very lonely day.

Sai was in Dwarakamai with Tarkad near him. That purticular week, none seemed to come to see Baba. Tarkad asked “Baba, Why nobody has come to see you in the past few days?”

Baba told Tarkad “Some days are like this” and he added,

“You will see that in future, People will come to Shirdi like Ants comes to have Sugar”

I had wrote this Sai leela several times in StarSai especially since I love the simplicity of this incident.

Today, I my state of mind reflects these words – Some days are like this…

Many of us will be facing some problems at work, in studies, because of our health and also our family. We will be praying Sai to fulfill our desire. But does that happen so soon? It takes time right.

So some days will go on with no improvements, no changes and nothing positive happening. It will be just another day which goes on with little happiness and worries.

Last night, I made an audio track about Lala Lakshmichand’s experience with Sai and how he went to Shirdi and met Baba. I did had few dreams but I couln’t remember anything. I assume that I saw Kashmir in dream as last night, I was thinking how people in some villages in border are against Indian Army. Anyway, I forgot the dream though.

I also feel odd for all the experiences I had because of this girl at work. I can only pray Sai to help me get clarity. When he doesn’t bother my prayers, I have to adjust and believe that time has not come for Sai to answer me. I am supposed to go through this pain all alone not understanding reason for some happenings in my life.

Last night, before I went to sleep, I looked at Sai’s portrait and spoke to him to bless me with a dream to guide me. I did not got any dream though. So some days are like this. What we ask Sai won’t happen. May be, he has other important work to do.

If you are going through some problems and its getting late for you see the change you expect, hold on. May be, Sai needs some time.

Few guys at work told me that my head is shining too much as I had offered my hair in Palani and Its funny!

Om Sai Ram



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