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Some fear in me that I wish to get rid off

Sairam friends,

Its 11.48 at night. I lit lamp to Saibaba in my room and writing to you in the room filled only with the lamps light. Now a days, I get mails from girls who are hurt/separated from their husband. I honestly don’t know why some marriages end up like this? Irrespective of being good, they face consequences of choosing the wrong guy. Blame it on the culture or the qualities you look for in a man when you get married. I don’t have any solution accept prayers to Sainath.

I like post the below photography I found online. This article is going to make you feel fed-up with me. So see this kid and make yourself happy.

baby girl

Love this baby girl – Photo used with courtesy

Apart from this, I constantly have some fear. It could be for any day to day happenings or thinking about my life. I try to keep myself in good mood by doing some stupid things or speaking to people I know. All this doesn’t really make any sense to me. If I trust Sai truly, then such fear must never be a part of me. I am supposed to remain calm and composed every single moment in life.

I basically don’t like this behavior in me and wonder when I will change.

As I get old, I wonder what more I have in store? I wanted to read a lot but this too isn’t consistent. I spend more time worrying than actually doing something productive in life.

The thousands of lamps I lit must show me a way and bring light in my life.

I wanted to live in peace Sai

Kindly eradicate worries and fear of your children. Once again, after I spent all these years with you, I still don’t know you Sai. I feel blank this moment. I feel totally depressed. I wish to do some videos speaking about your glory. Somehow, I am not able to work on it. Show me a way Sai Baba.

Om Sai Ram


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