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It’s OK to do something you don’t like if it doesn’t hurt others

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

I attended a Sales & Marketing event in Hotel Leela Palace in Bangalore on Friday and felt really excited. I met professionals from other organizations and had a good conversation with them. One of this lady was so kind and even appreciated me for coming all the way from Coimbatore for the event. (It isn’t far but I am traveling almost every month these days) I was the only one who travelled from other city because I desperately wanted to see what’s happening in the industry.

The food was tasty but I realized something. 5 years before, professionals won’t share the process and tools used in their company to competitors. Silicon Valley is what it is because people share knowledge, network and try to help each other. Professionals today are opening up their ideas and process they follow to people from other companies. So I was telling them that its important to share knowledge as an organization should not be a wall which blocks knowledge to spread.  In the end , we are all humans and we should believe in open knowledge.

I did not talk to many professionals as it was a trip I planned due to personal interest and did not represent where I work for. Thankfully, some of them were impressed how I can do everything – I touch Sales/Digital Marketing – Photography and Promo video. I finally realized that irrespective of ups and downs all through my career, I was able to pick different skills during the journey.

After the event, I went back to the Hotel and slept off. I used the umbrella my Sister gave my parents in the U.S as it was small one and easy to carry. I told my Sister that its helping me walk around in Bangalore. In the evening, I searched for attractions on Google Map. There was a very beautiful temple called “Surya Narayana Temple”. It was so nice as I have habit of bowing to Lord Surya every morning.

To my surprise, I also had darshan of Vaishno Devi there. I kept staring at her sitting infront of Vaishno devi. She was so beautiful and divine. I was mesmerised by her compassionate eyes.

In the wedding hall near temple, they were doing pooja to Lord Murugan and Lord Naga for people who have curse of Naga. A family has spent few lakhs to do such pooja for first time in Bangalore. Its usually done in Kukhe Subramanya temple. I witnessed the whole event and felt blissful. I kept chanting Sai’s holy name. I had prasad at night and walked back to hotel.

The next day, I went to an Photography event in Nikon India.

The mentor was telling about his early days. Seems, he used to do Baby photography to earn his living and captured over 5000 babies in camera. The problem was that he did not liked Hospitals and few issues which he had to face while doing baby Photography but he did that because he needs money.

That’s when I realized that many professionals are doing something they don’t like to do.

In the place I work, earlier, I was saying about value of doing Video Marketing making promo videos. Now, they started asking me to work on it and I really don’t like filming employees in office. I need such shots as it can be used while I have a voice over running in the background. I also felt its not nice to film girls as they might feel embarrassed.

Now I understood that its OK to do it because that’s my work. I can’t escape from it. So that’s OK. For time being, I should adjust and should not feel embarrassed while filming. It will only result in bad footage.

So what’s the moral of the story?

1. Go places to learn. Life is about moving and not standing still. If you wish to go abroad to study, do that. If you wish to learn something, work on it.

2.Do anything that is important for you. You may not like doing it but as long as you don’t hurt or harm others, you have to do something to earn your living.

That’s it friends.

I am getting late now



The feature photo was taken in the wedding hall where they drew huge Vel of Kuke Subramanya and did the Naga Bali pooja..It was very divine as they lit lamps around this place.

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