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Sorrows and Happiness

Sairam friends,

One of the characteristics of Saints is they were neither worried during difficulties nor felt too exited when everything happens as desired. Saints accepted both Sorrows and Happiness as the same thing. Saints like Shirdi Saibaba never felt bad when someone scolds him.There’s a leela during Sai’s life time.

Once a devotee came to have darshan of Saibaba. Sai told him “You must have come yesterday. People were speaking ill of me and abusing me.”

The devotee listened to Sai and nodded his head.

Sai asked him “Did you understand what I mean?”

The devotee replied ” Baba, You mean to say people were in singing in praise of you. There was a bhajan yesterday in praise of Gods and Saints”

Baba said “You must have got a Guru. That’s why you are able to interpret what I meant correctly.”

The devotee mentioned his Guru’s name and Sai smiled to him.

From this incident we understand that Sai accepts a devotee and shows him/her the same love and care even when a devotee scolds him. If Sai is perceiving Singing in praise of him as abusing him,it means Sai is accepting both praise and blame equally and he never lets down a devotee who hurts him.

I have myself felt angry with Saibaba when things don’t turn out as I desired and I know its human nature in many Sai devotees to behave like this.

Though its really hard, we must practice to be faithful and confident when Sorrows harm us and be humble and polite during Happy moments in our life.

I am really depressed these days and all I could do is believe that Sai will show me a way.

Sai blessings


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1 Comment

  • To when I took sai baba blessing book and baba scolded me ..I was upset …but after reading the above experience …baba has thought me a lesson….and he is offen telling me that he is always there with me….

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