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If you start a good karma, do it fully

Shirdi Saibaba pooja
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

It is said that “Well begun is half done”. I am happy that some of my friends at work participated as volunteers in planting tree saplings last weekend in Coimbatore. You can read my experience in the below article.

Enjoyed planting trees in Coimbatore 

I was expecting good rain the same evening when I was travelling to Saibaba temple but to my disappointment, the past 3 days, there was no rain. This August in Coimbatore is not so rain friendly. I kept thinking about the little plants we planted on the highway and how they will be surviving in the heat of day time. I assumed someone must be watering these plants but what’s the assurance that all of these baby trees got food ?

I was thinking about going back to this spot around 5 Kms from my home and watering them. I felt my friends will consider me as a nut case if I do so. Surprisingly, one of my friend too had the same idea of watering the plants as its too hot. We decided to go back to the spot this morning.

Mean while, have a look at Shirdi Saibaba photo sent by Santhi from Hyderabad. This Baba’s face is not so cute. Many devotees judge based on how good a statue or photo of Saibaba is but I like devotees who do pooja and show devotion on Simple Sai no matter how the statue is. I personally feel this Saibaba is cute too.

Shirdi Saibaba pooja

Shirdi Saibaba pooja done by Santhi Hyderabad

If you start a good karma, do it fully

Sai woke me up this morning at 5 A.M in his own way which I keep as a secret. I did some work online waiting for my friends call.

At 7, we started in his bike to the spot.

As we traveled in the Coimbatore- Mattupalayam road, we could see some saplings were watered and some were not.

Finally, we reached the place where our team planted the samplings.

Fortunately, the saplings near the temple and some kept near the home were watered.

We walked near the temple and asked for the bucket to water the plants. The priest there asked “Are you asking us to water regularly or you want to water now?”

We said “We came just to see the plants but today alone, we wish to water them”.

Then we took 2 buckets and started watering every tree sapling we planted.

Here’s the photo feature !

The below plant near temple was taken good care by the priest and some other people. We just watered them for our satisfaction.

watering plants

Happy baby tree got water

we were crossing the highway to water all the plants. There’s a small tank to fetch water. I was filling water in the bucket when a school bus came there. Parents were hurrying to send off their kids to school. One little boy was showing faces to his Father. The dad understood his son needs Chocolate. So he asked “You want Dairy Milk?” The boy nodded his head. The Father ran to shop to get him Dairy Milk.

little School Boy

School boy walking with Cadbury Dairy Milk

I personally love this Photography especially since its lively and shows everyday life to its fullest.

Coming back to watering plants, we continued to track plants which was not kept by our team also.

I carried two buckets of water and my friend rode the bike. We found the plants kept in highway where there are no companies or houses are totally ignored. None was there to water these little baby trees.

So we wanted 3 of them and they were happy. I think they are. Sai, bless all these baby trees with good rain !

To be clear about doing a good karma, follow this.

1. If you do something good, please keep a track of it even if its a small work.

2. Do not feel shy to do something that you believe in

3. Good Karma is not a one day wonder. You must do it for lifetime.

Here’s a dried plant. We watered them and humbly requested the security to see if they can take care of it and he assured, he will.

dried plant

Was sad to see dried plant and watered them

I have a humble request.

There are many good initiatives by NGO’s and Government. You can also volunteer them but personal interest matters a lot.

Spiritually, keeping a sapling is like a giving baby to a new mother – The Mother Earth.

So we must take care of these babies by watering them.

Public support is essential for any initiatives to be successful and I hope Indian’s learn to have personal interest in doing good deeds when ever they get opportunity.

What is a good Karma?

Now a days it has become a fashion for everyone to talk about Karma. To be simple Karma is a Deed – An Action.

If you do good karma, good will come to you.

Being devoted to Saint like Saibaba is fine but one must also learn to live the way that makes Sai happy. How many of us Sai devotees can do it?

Also, If you start a good karma, do it fully.


Let’s a you are downloading a software or App. Until its completely downloaded, you are not benefited.

Same applies to every good karma you do in life.

If you start something, any good deeds,please show personal interest in it and do it completely.

I am in hurry to go to work.

Sai blessings


Note – Not all have time to follow these plants and hence me and my friend tried to do it. I am not sure what will happen to the plants tomorrow. We are busy with out day to day life but we also have a responsibility to safeguard planet Earth for generations to come.

Keep doing some thing good and do it fully. You will be blessed and personally satisfied.

Sai, bless us with good rain. Let all the plants, trees, animals, birds and people lead a peaceful, happy life.

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