Contact Venkat

Thank you Saibaba for healing my eyes


Please heal my eyes. It really hurts and I did not go the doctor because I felt you are going to heal me by your grace. I came home and my Mom said eyes had become red. I think it could be some infection. I am not able to do any work now Saibaba.

Today, I argued a bit at work.

By night when my eyes hurt a lot, I feel that I must not make fun or argue with anyone. Its all bad karma I am adding to myself but I am not able to stop myself.

My Mom is not well today and I feel what am I doing with my life? I am not able to shut my mouth and simply remain calm.

Sairam friends,

I wrote about words but did not post it. My parents asked me to visit a doctor tomorrow and she did some home remedies. I slept off soon too. At around 11 o clock, Appu called up and I kept the mobile under my pillow as ringtone was too loud and did not want to disturb my parent in another room. I also did not feel like talking to anyone. Then she again rang and this time, I picked up. She told me her brother had gifted her an iPad for her birthday and she’s reading StarSai once in a while. Today She saw that I had written that I blocked her in Watsup and how dare I do it.

I told her, I don’t like to talk to anyone and Watsup is a distraction in most cases. She requested me to go to an Eye Doctor tomorrow and send her any proof that I had really visited a Hospital.  I said shall try to do it and we spoke for a few minutes about whats happening in life. She told me that its been one year she knew me.

Anyway, I don’t like to be close to anyone especially since when I like someone, I become too possessive. So its better to keep distance and let everyone be happy with their life.

Questioning habit at work:

About questioning, justifying, and arguing at work, If we do just our work, we will be calm and never bother anything. When we think about the overall way things happen in an organization, we are tempted to question.

I honestly feel I must be calm but most of the time, I see what’s happening in the corporate world is for namesake where everyone does their part right but doesn’t realize how it impacts the overall growth of an organization.

Anyway, I sat in front of Sai in my room and asked if I should completely stop speaking at work on such issues or continue to speak. I realized Sai wants me to speak probably because that’s my nature.

I am reading a book about Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. Even Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer used to have arguments in board meetings and Gates had to walk out on a few occasions. Personally, They like each other but officially not two people will have the same thought process.

Most of the key decisions were not taken at the right time which led to some setbacks in Microsoft – Example – Microsoft Office, cloud version Office 365 must have been launched before Google Docs. But though they had everything in place, the decision was not taken since they felt it might hit Microsoft office revenue being a Cashcow.

If you want an organization to really grow, there are few principles to be followed.

1. Create a Vision

2.Commit to the Vision

3. Encourage people to Learn.

4. Restructure for transparency

5. Invest in what’s required

6. Create a good culture ( This is the key factor. Culture matters.)

7.Adopt to new trend and technology, Take key decisions sooner, and go for it.

Anyway, It’s my personal belief.

Saw a small dream:

This morning, before I woke up, I saw a girl cleaning the front portion of another building with water and decorating it as if its temple. I realized, there are few who consider this work as their home. May be, Sai wants me to respect the place I work too.

satya nadella

Satya Nadella, CEO Microsoft

Ok friends. Too late now.

I don’t know how long I can survive here for my nature. Sai doesn’t approve of me doing something else too but it depends. I believe Sai will make me do what he wants me to do.


Note – Welcome to a new look in StarSai after a long time. I was waiting for a better theme. Let me know if you like it too. It’s simple and I feel little tweak is necessary.

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  • Aum Sri Sairam
    Dear Venkat ,
    The new look is good. But something is missing. Not able to guess what is missing. Maybe the Sai photo with Lamps is missing …Maybe having that at the top of the landing page would be divine…

  • Sairam Venkat,

    This theme is good but I liked the old one better.

    Edit: Thanks Appy and everyone.

    Based on everyone’s review, I have moved to the old theme friends. This old theme is not mobile friendly which is the only reason I am trying to find better theme. I too like the old them and now a days I hardly find a good theme like this even if I am ready to pay for it. Let’s see how long we can manage with old theme…Sai will decide how his temple must look like – Venkat

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