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Thanks for the rain Sai. Bless us to reach our destination in the wordly ocean

Sairam friends,

There are few desires in me which I keep asking Saibaba but when that really happens, I forget to thank him. Right from last summer, I was worried that there isn’t enough rain in South India, especially in Tamilnadu and asked Sai to take care of people who desperately need water like farmers. I also worry about Ordinary Indian’s struggling with water.

When you travel deep down south India and come across, ordinary Indian’s you will realize how simple people are. They don’t even have basic necessities. Irrespective what people might say, I am satisfied for the rain Goddess of Nature blessed us with this year.

So far. So good.

This morning, I had a dream a train runs over a bridge on river and a guy happily jumps into the river from the train. He doesn’t seem to be scared. Instead, he seems to know swimming and happily jumps. I saw water every where. Probably, Sai means to say he will fill the land with water and make ordinary Indian’s happy.

Secondly, the dream also indicates the need of a Guru like Shirdi Saibaba to cross the wordly ocean. We might face problems or difficulties but we must never fear to jump down to work confidently. Get on with your mission and keep swimming.

Love leads!



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