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The after effects of Relationships in the tech and Social world

Sairam friends,

Times have changed and everyone has adopted to new ways of communication. Today,a stranger can come into our life very easily, do a simple search to know about us and behave as good as he/she can to develop a relationship with us. There have been good and bad relationships even in past years when we used few traditional communication like meeting someone face to face or a letter or by the phone which exited before years.

Now the problem is the way we communicate has changed a lot. We easily trust people whom we come across some where, chat with them, speak to them over phone, share photos and videos within minutes and finally we let the person know everything about us.

The problem is when a girl trusts a guy too much, shares every single photo/video she took with him, speak to him often and finally after few months when the guy doesn’t seem to be the “diamond” she thinks about, things gets difficult.

I am writing this article after one of my best friend being disturbed by a guy living thousands of miles away. I made her change her SIM card, she had to change her Moms and cousins sim and finally now the guy even searched for her Brother’s number online and trying to reach her.

Girls too must not simply ignore a guy for sake of it. If the guy is really bad and if the girl ignores her, the guy must understand her freedom to choose her life and keep away. Not many guys are doing it. Not even in a time when legally, a girl can take action by telling her parents. These are not the things a girl can tell her parents and so the guys take advantage. My humble request to youngsters is please be clear about the person whom you know.They might be gold initially but give sometime to yourself to decide your life.

The after effects of relationships in the tech world is really painful. You can’t escape easily unless you have your parents and elders support. So be careful when ever you trust someone you meet. This article is not only for the acquaintances you have online. Even if you meet a person in a school/college/office or during any event etc have your own limits.

Men don’t have much problem as they can simply move on with their life. The only problem is if they mis behaved with the past girl, she can take legal action.

I have been helping girls to come out of such relationship problems for several years and in my understanding they have been very casual in whom they trust. Sometimes you really have to be careful and be precautions of what you share even to your friends whom you trust.

Yes. The only problem is these girls forget me after the problem is over.

Like we go to Sai when we have a problem, i realized people need my presence only when they have a problem. Then they will go shopping, here there, enjoy with friends and Venkat will be forgotten. I just have experiences. Its my karma to safe guard because I see them as my children.

Sai blessings

am in hurry now


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  • Proper conduct and behavior is very important for His children.His teachings stress this.Baba s blessings.Shri Sainathayanamaha.

  • This articles every gal should read very carefully….there are boys who are very good and there are some who changes and are psycho ….i personally request if any gal suffering from any kind of this problem should be bold and there are ways to come out of the problem until it becomes very huge .for boys it will nt be big thing but it can spoil a gals life. Raman u doing a good job……n sai always help …..sairam

  • Sairam….!!!!

    Venkat Ji…I have been following your website for quite sometime now.( around 2 years now ) and I must say that you are doing a great job…you should not get disheartened for those who dont keep in touch with you ,once they are out of difficult times of their life , coz baba is there to care of you . After going through your posts it feels like baba, himself is living along with you each moment.

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