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The Himalayas in my heart

Sairam friends,

Now a days, I kept thinking that I must go to The Himalayas and spend few days there as a monk without any connection to the external world. May be to give me a test if I can live without internet at least for 10 days, Sai made me go through bad net connection. Yesterday, I fixed it myself by Sai grace.

At work, they asked me to take some videos for domain training and I liked it because I was expecting to do this for long time. Now a days, learning has become like story telling and hence every school, college and companies must adopt to this kind of learning.

I also felt exited because some of my friends were planning events for Diwali in our office. I entered the room when they had already planned few funny games. They asked me if I have any ideas for Games. I am writing here as I know many of you read StarSai from your office across India and other countries.

1. The first one is “Mission to Mars” in which we draw a circle and employees are asked to make a Rocket in paper and throw it down there. If it falls in a near by circle, then they get minus point. This is very simple one and my friend told we shall keep a Pongal Pot and call it “Pongalyan”…he he..

2. They asked for more ideas for which I asked, if they will beat me if I my idea is stupid. They first asked me to say. So second game is called “Jaamin – The Bail”. Note – I am not writing about this game now. If you want to play this, mail me and I shall write you. Trust me, If executed well, this will be hilarious.

I did not go to Saibaba temple in the evening and directly came home. I was blinking why my broadband connection is not good and tried to fix it myself.

mt Everest Himalayas

mtEverest – The Himalayas. Courtesy of Wikipedia

I slept off thinking Shirdi Saibaba and had a dream as if there are many little and big black dogs where I go by walk but they are not harming me. Finally, I reached Himalayas and felt blissful.

I realized that Sai has subconsciously taken me to beautiful Himalayas.

This could be because everything we see externally is already in us. We are part of this big universe.

Sai has shown me the Himalayas in my heart.

Am getting late now..



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1 Comment

  • Sai’s gracious Glance alone can give such experiences.Baba’s Blessings.Shri Sainathayanamaha.

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