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The life that I never expected

I have been too ambitious in my past to live like this. Every time I failed, I believed that I am going to do something better as I desire. Somehow, after several hurdles when I try to get into the work, I get guidance from Saibaba to remain satisfied with what I already have in life. Sure. I have this satisfaction in me but is this what I am born for? Does not Saibaba want me to do something better and make my life good.

May be, Sai wants me to tackle all the obstacles and continue doing what I plan to do but I am not getting him right. May be, Sai is helping me to pursue my interest.

This is the life that I never expected. I wanted something else and this is what Sai blessed me with. Did I do something wrong. A big sin that can’t make me happy at all?

I also don’t understand how to make my life better by Sai grace for he himself wants me to remain calm and do the usual thing.

Sai, bless us all with contentment but also help us achieve our dreams.

Aum Sai Ram


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