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The small mistakes I do in excitement

Sairam friends,

Some time back, I did a small mistake as I was excited and din’t had a second thought. After this, I felt why should I have done this and regretted.  I think about it everyday and worry about it though its not a big issue. May be, I try to be too good to everyone and the world isn’t like this.

I understood that Saibaba won’t stop us from being a stupid at times. We have to mind our behavior every now and then as Sai himself tells “Guru is within you”

Anyway, the past few days, I keep thinking about doing some Business development at work place. Yesterday, I helped to meet one of my friend’s – friend who’s founder of a company which can do consulting for us. We met them and felt OK. But after I came home, I thought what if things goes wrong? So I tried to find other solutions. I think Biz dev work makes me feel good. Even someone asked me what’s my profile because I try to do what ever excites me. Though its beneficial for the organization, I must be careful as I lack few skills.

I have this nature of being too exited about things when everything goes on right track. When things do not work well, then, I get too depressed. I think this isn’t right. I have seen people who behave normal both when they are facing difficulties and when they are happy.

I wish to show a photo of Saibaba Samadhi Mandhir

Shirdi Saibaba samadhi Mandhir

Shirdi Saibaba samadhi Mandhir

Hope you like it friends.

Sai blessings


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  • Very beautiful.Baba in all his yellow radiant splendour.Baba’s blessings.Shri Sainathayanamaha.

  • Sai Ram. Just a simple thing, when things go right being happy is fine. But when things go wrong, being depressed is no use cause things have happened and cannot be redone. maybe we can prevent it from not happening again. That is also only maybe. Cause nothin is in our hands according to me.

    Only god knows how? what? where? when? and why? So just leave it to BABA. Its no use of going to baba getting all the energy and just losing that energy on worrying for things small or big. Just retain that energy and think BABA just stay and guide me. Depression will make us lose our main wealth which is health. I dont know why I,m writing so much. Sorry just felt like telling. SAI RAM.
    OM SAI

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