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There’s something gorgeous about earring…

Sairam friends,

How old is StarSai?

On December 22nd 2004, late at night, I registered the domain, immidiately wrote the first article and launched the website. So we can say December 23rd as birthday of StarSai.

We have completed 14 years and stepping into 15th year.

I remembered this only now…Late at night.

Today, I was telling my weekend walking friend Sathyam that I have done some good here and there but I haven’t done much to transform others life.

Transforming others life positively is all that matters to Sai

I like making people continue their education and adopt continuous learning.

I love it when someone who’s going through a breakup realizes that life is more beautiful than worrying about one person.

I enjoy it when someone lands in their dream job by Sai grace.

There’s a practical way of doing it than simply asking them to worship Saibaba. So next 15 years in my life, I would like to do something practical that directly creates a magical influence on others life.

Only when I went to Annapurna and Kamakshi Amman temple tonight, I realized that today is also Dattatreya Jayanthi.

Did you notice the difference in Url? I have been planning this for long but somehow, could not implement it.

After 14 years, today, I made it Https – SSL certified. Yay Yay Yay!

Lets talk about earring!

There are few stuff that fascinates me. Probably, it has got to do with my mind which works as a “Photographer’ – One who looks to beautify things.

I like Sarees, Salwar Kameez and Earring.

Few years back, I had a website to promote a message that its auspicious to gift a women with a Saree. When ever I go to any temples in villages, I have this habit of getting 2-4 Sarees and gifting it to women selling flowers or having a small shop etc.

These days, I am forgetting this habit. Should start again!

When someone says they are getting married, I keep praying for them

I have few Sai friends – Preeti, Varalakshmi, Priyanka, Pratiksha and few more. The list is small though. The problem is when you know someone well, you begin to worry about them.

When I am driving or alone, I suddenly ask Sai to bless these girls with good husband. Some of them have gone through a lot in their previous relationships. Hopefully, Sai should show them a way.

When they do get married, somehow, I am not able to go for their wedding. Recently, Geetanjali got married and I could not make it as my Mom isn’t well. So I prayed for her good life.

When someone tells me they are going to get married and if they add that there are some issues, I genuinely pray for them.

One of my friend at work is going to get married in Feb 2019. I often talk to her and probably subconciously, I was concerned that her marriage should happen smoothly. We never know what our subconcious mind is working on right?

A beautiful dream to gift earring!

This morning, I had a very vivid dream.

It was as if I am telling this girl that she should gift earring to her friends. I see her giving earrings to 4-6 girls around her. Then, I tell her

“You should also give an earring to me…I mean I can’t wear it. So atleast give me some pocket money”

Its like…She’s giving gifts to girls and hence I also deserve something from her.

The dream was so vivid and its like I almost wokeup but I saw this dream clearly.

The past 2 years, during weekends, if I wakeup early, I tell Baba to come in dream again and tell me something and go to my Mom’s room to sleep.

I could not sleep as my Mom kept talking and my Dad started the washing machine. I messaged my Sister that I can’t even have a second round of sleep in this home as everyone are irritating me.

I was working on my dream project all through the day. My Ma is too weak and hence I can’t take her out. I went to Nagasai mandir and from there to Annapurna temple. I love Mother Goddess so much.

My favourite priest of Annapurna temple wasn’t there. He’s old and always carries a genuine smile on his face. He greets me when ever I go there. I do have some good priest friends in Nagasai mandir too but there’s something about the gesture of this old priest in Annapurna temple. He enjoys his divine work.

Now a days, most priests don’t really have love for God and respect for devotees. They are unkind.

Today, I went to mall as I plan to buy a new laptop. Both my desktop and Laptop got old and I am managing with it.

There was this event for wedding vendors and I saw a shop which sells ornaments.

I might go to the mall again to see those earrings if time permits.

Lets come back to the reason why Sai showed me this dream?

Few years back, when someone writes me about their problem, I ask them to gift Sarees to women in need. May be your servant maid or probably women who cleans temple or sells flowers etc.

In this dream, I am asking my friend to gift earrings to her friend.

Its not about Saree or earring!

The philosophy is simple

“When you make a girl happy, you are blessed”

This is honestly something Sai and my Mom has taught me for years together. When you make a women happy, you are really blessed.

And you don’t have to take effort to do it. You might get an opportunity to do good to a women or you might never.

Just make sure you don’t do the opposite. Never hurt a women. If you don’t like something about a girl, just keep away.

That’s the best thing you could do.

So that’s it friends.

StarSai is stepping into 15th years…

Its 1.47 at night now. I hope Saibaba shows me a way. I must have done some sins to some women in some birth. So I am suffering. I don’t know when I will be blessed. May be, I should do more good to everyone.

Keep doing good. Your life will be good

And yeah!

There’s another reason why Sai showed this dream. Its a secret because I am working on the project now.

There certainly is something georgeous about earring!



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1 Comment

  • Sai Ram Venkat, many Congratulations on Birth Anniversary of Star Sai and many many blessings from me , a woman , on this day I am asking Sai to get you rid of all the sins you may have done in your past lives to any woman and bless you with all the happiness and all the good opportunities to fulfill all your dreams, please don’t repent as you already gone through a lot, so now on keep smiling and keep spreading good thoughts, good vibrations among all your Sai friends, God bless you, Meenakshi

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