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It takes time to understand what Sai meant

Sairam friends,

During the time when Sai lived in Shirdi, he used have a very peculiar behaviour. Saibaba will never say anything directly. Sai plays trick by saying stories to group of devotees or a purticular devotee. 

It is for us the devotees to understand what Sai means.

Similarly, though Saibaba has always guided me in dreams, its certainly not possible for me to understand what Sai wants to convey. It takes years to actually realize what Sai meant through a certain dream.

Having patience is important. People tell me that I am lucky to be blessed with Sai dreams. Actually, its not that Sai appears in my dream visually and says something. That’s like spoon feeding.

I get some dreams and believe it comes from Sai and it does. Only after sometime, I will actually understand what Sai meant.

You may not be guided with dreams but Sai is watching you and communicating to you internally. Close your eyes, chant SAI SAI SAI and ask for his guidance. There are chances Sai will show you a way.

There’s nothing called “Immidiate results” in Sai’s way. Sai expects us to wait and think how to do stuff.

As of now, I never know what’s right for me. Should I stay in the same job or moveon because I really don’t like some annoying people. I like few though. I can’t  take any decision as my Mom needs me in Coimbatore.

Now a days, my favourite joke is telling my friends “I am sticking to same job as there’s good parking facility here”

Having said that, why did Sai asked me to build something on my own? Does that mean, I won’t be in this job in few month. I feel insecured but I am happy Saibaba is with me.

Keep loving Sai.

Its hard to understand him.

Its hard even when Sai is guiding me with hints of what’s going to happen in future.

I have to do a lot of good deeds when ever I get opportunity.

Sai blessings


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