Chapter 6 –
Travel to Shirdi
Ashish is a wonderful friend . Though he din’t had time to join me to shirdi, he helped me carry my 2 big bags which had lots of saibaba photos to give as gift to devotees i might meet in shirdi, A big old laptop 7 KGs etc.

Travel to Shirdi
While traveling in the local train from Borivali to Andheri east station in mumbai , all i prayed for was to get down in Andheri east station in such crowd . As me and Ashish were ready near the door of train to get down easily before the crowd ruses us in, a boy noticed me carrying huge bags and asked if i need help . I said No. its OK. Mumbai taught me not to trust anyone.
Andheri came and yes i JUMPED ! One of my last few Jumps in my hectic local train life of Mumbai. Sai , I lost my job but since i leave Mumbai, you have saved me from such hectic local train journey forever !
Calling all my Sai Devotee friends during Bus journey to Shirdi –
As i sat in the Bus which will take me from Mumbai to shirdi, I started calling few of my friends in different places in india. Most of them asked me to say their pranams to Sainath. Some of them encouraged me for my little desire to write a Book about Sai baba for his children.
After few hours , i was wondering if writing a book for saibaba is really possible by a person as ordinary as me . My language is not good. I might even do grammar and spelling mistakes like Kids. The most important question was am i doing it to earn money selling the book or do i really Love Saibaba.
I want to know the truth inside my subconscious mind. Am i writing the book with true love on Sai . As the author of Sai Satcharitra who lived during saibaba’s time itself said, it is sai who gave him the desire to write book and saibaba himself wrote his own stories making Hamadpant as a Instrument to spread Sai Leelas.
Similarly i thought is it the Ego in me that wants to write this book or the Sai in me whom i love with all my heart and soul is subconciously motivating me to write the book.
Why should i loose job and with out trying for a new job like others why should i get a desire to write book on life of Saibaba.
All these thoughts made me worry about myself that i am not taking responsibility of my old parents. Now sai did something to make me realize it is saibaba who is motivating me to write this book.
Friend , Listen to this beautiful Leela of Shirdi Sai Baba.
Some youngsters seated in the bus behind me were playing songs in their mobile phone. The moment the thought that is it saibaba who is making me write the book came , a guy played the famous Bryan adams song
“Everything i do, I do it for you….
You know its true
Every thing i do…
I do it for you.
I could be a modern song for others about a man singing his love for his lady love. To me it sounded as if Sai is consoling me not to worry about past, present and future and It is Sai himself who has given me this mission to write the Book for the welfare of his children.
How can i control my emotions at this moment. It is the love which Saibaba has on me which made me even to think about write a book when i lost my job.
Sai, i know its you.
Every thing you do, You do it for me.
You do it for welfare of my parents, sister and my sai friends.
Sai ,you do it for welfare of millions of sai devotees whom i affectionately mention in this book as “Sai children”
This was the little beautiful journey towards shirdi…
In the next chapter i shall write you about my first day experience in Shirdi..
Om Sainathaya namaha
Om Sai Ram,
Giving alone can change your life told by the great sai baba
Thnku so much baba for gifting ur devotees with this wonderful book full of b’ful words!
Jai Sai Nath!
I really happy to read this stories & all Experience i exited read about your next stories & u are very lucky guy but i also lucky to read this story