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Trusting Sai’s assurances when it doesn’t seem to happen

Sairam friends,

Last night, I climbed up on terrace to offer garland to Sai Baba statues on terrace. While trying to step back down to offer to other statues, the little concrete stupa over the wall broke and fell off below. Thankfully none were down and I also balanced myself. I was upset with what happened but thanked Sai.

I must be considered really foolish to trust Sai’s words for several years even when some of what I believed Sai assured did not happen. I continue to have such immense faith on Sai Baba essentially because I have learnt how Sai works. Sometimes, Sai does make you feel that a relationship, career or business decision will turn out fruitful but in the end, we feel dejected when nothing happens. This is because Sai keeps analyzing how good it is for us. What we desire might have been the right thing for us initially for Sai baba and he would have agreed to it. Gradually, as time passes on, Sai would have felt this isn’t what we deserve. Not that I am justifying Sai baba but that’s my personal experience. Like you, I also get really upset with Sai and my justification may lead to arguments for people who are disappointed after praying Sai.

All I can say is your Guru keeps track of your both your destiny and desire day and night. He might be having a better plan that you will only realize after few years.

So trust your Guru.

Keep working hard for what you desire. Try to tweak or modify your desire.

Example – You might desire to go abroad for studies but when it doesn’t happen, you still have all reasons to have a great career.

You might desire to marry someone you love but when it doesn’t happen, have enough patience and hold on to Sai. He will show you someone better.

I failed a lot trusting Sai’s words but if I continue to trust him.  This is just the kind of connection between a Guru and his devotee.

Sai has all rights to fail me.

Sai can drain me

But I know its all for my own welfare and growth in the long run.

Externally, it might seem that I failed but in Sai’s heart, I am am his child and you too are.

Even when Saibaba’s assurances doesn’t seem to happen, Trust him.

He is a sweet saint who cares for you.


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1 Comment

  • Om Sai Ram…thank u Sai…and i trust u Sai…continue to bless me and my family

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