Sairam friends,
My Sai friend Sunitha didi contributed this wonderful sacred Prasanna Vaibhava lakshmi Vrata which is a pooja for Goddess Mahalakshmi.
You can visit for more Mahalakshmi Pooja and Mahalakshmi Mantra.

Vaibhava Lakshmi Pooja for Goddess Mahalakshmi
Om sai ram
I have performed this pooja many times and reaped benefits.i have been doing every Friday as a routine. You have to plan for either 8 Fridays or 16 Fridays, preferably consecutively (skip during periods) the pooja is done on Friday evenings and can be done by both men and women. But please note that you should not stop puja until you fulfill your wish.
Puja vidhan:
*** Wash face, hands and legs prior puja and apply kumkum (sindoor) on your forehead.
1. Vaibhav Lakshmi puja has to be performed every Friday evening
between 5:30 to 6:30 pm.
2. Clean the pooja area and do the rangoli (given in the book) or make a colored photocopy of rangoli and use the same.
3. in front of Vibhava Lakshmi’s photo, keep the Kalash (thali filled with rice and a bowl of water where any gold ornament immersed in it.) put haldi, kumkum and sandal powder into the Kalash, and treat this as Gajalakshmi sanidhya and offer/pray do puja with insense stick and so on.
NOTE: those who cant afford to use gold ornament can replace with silver coin or idol of Gajalakshmi.
4. when you end this puja, please share the prasadam (which you have made) as maha naivedya with the family members.
Please see the following ingredients are kept ready for puja.
Mantrakshathe (akshatha consists of raw rice haldi and kumkum).
A bowl half filled with water,
Gajje vastra (made of cotton haldi and kumkum)
Kapoor (camphor) for arti or even bathis (three, five or nine) dipped in ghee would do.
4. Please see that puja items are kept on the floor close to your feet.
Shuklam baradaram vishnum shashi varnam chaturbhujam
Prasannavadhanam dhyayeth sarva vignopa shanthaye.
(Join your hands and pray to god)
Keshavaya namaha , Sankarshanaya namaha
Narayanaya namaha Vasudevaya namaha
Madhavaya namaha Pradyumnaya namaha
Govindaya namaha Aniruddhaya namaha
Vishnuve namaha Purushothamaya namaha
Madhusudhanaya namaha Adhokshajaya namaha
Trivikramaya namaha Narasimhaya namaha
Vamanaya namaha Achuthaya namaha
Sridharaya namaha Janardhanya namaha
Hashikeshaya namaha Upendraya namaha
Padmanabhaya namaha Haraye namaha
Damodaraya namaha Sri Krishnaya namaha
Sri Mann MahaGanadhiptaye namaha| Ishtadevathabhyo namaha|
Kuladevathabhyo namaha| Sarvebhyo devebhyo namaha|
Shantirastu | Pushtirastu | Avignamastu ||
(Chant the below mantra and do ganta nada)
Aagamarthantu devanam gamanarthantu rakshasam|
Kurughantavaram thatra devathahvan lanchana||
Do sankalpa (hold few grains of akshata (mantrakshathe)
Shubhe shobhane muhoorthe | aadya brahmanaha|
Dvitheeya parardhe | sri shwethavarakalve | vaivaswathamanvantare |
Kaliyuge | bharathavarshe | bhartah khande| jamboo dweepe dandakaranye
Godavaryaha | dakshine teere | shalivahana shake | bhaudhavathare |
Sri rama kshetre | Chandra maanena prabhavadi shrashti samvatsaranam
Madhye… samvatsarasya….. aayane .. rutav… maase.. pakshe… thithav …
Vasare… nakshatre aevam guna visheshena vishishtayam shubha thithav
Sri Prasanna Vaibhava Lakshmi Vratamaham Karishye||
(leave the akshatha and water on a tali)
Kalasha puja:
Gangecha yamune chaiva godavari saraswati |
Narmade sindhu kaveri jalesmine sannidhim kuro ||
(Offer puja to kalash, and sprinkle the water on your head and on god.)
Tatradav nirvighnatha sidhyartham Sri Mann Maha Ganapati pujam karishye
(Offer puja to Lord ganapati with haldi and kumkum)
Vakratunda mahakaya kotisurya samaprabha |
Nirvighnam kurume devo sarva karyeshu sarvadha ||
Sri Vaibhava Lakshmi Dhyanam
Yasaa padmasanstha vipulakati padmapatrayatakshi |
Gambhiraa varthanabhistanabhara namitha shubrvatrothariya |
Laksmi dirvairgajendrai manigana kachitha vaasitaa hemakumbhai |
Nityam saa padmahastaa mama vasatu gruhe sarva mangalya yuktaa||
(Pray to god with joined hands and offer flower and akshatha)
Sarva mangala mangalye shive sarvartha sadhike |
Sharanye tryambake devi narayanae namosthuthe ||
Avahayami | aasanam samarpayami |
Arghya – paadya – aachamana – snana – vastra – akshatam samarpayami ||
(Thinking that we have done shoda shopachara puja in detail – offer flower and akshatha)
Pray with joined hands
Vande lakshmi parashivamayim shudha jaambhunadabham |
Tejo ropaam kanakavasanaa sarvabhushejwalangii |
Bijaapooram kanaka kalasham hemapadmam daddanam |
Aadhyam shakti sakala jananeem Vishnu namanka sansthaam ||
(pray- Offer flower, akshatha and gajje vastra to god)
Sri Vaibhava Laksmae namaha | Gandham samarpayami |
Sri Vaibhava Laksmae namaha | Haridra kumkuma samarpayami |
Sri Vaibhava Laksmae namaha | Akshatham samarpayami |
Sri Vaibhava Laksmae namaha | Nanavidha parimala dravyani samrpayami |
Mantra Puja: (join hands and pray)
Hiranyavarnam harinaem suvarna rajatasrajam |
Chandram hiranmayim lakshmeem jathavedoma aavaha ||
(Sri sukta pujam samarpayami)
(Dhupa – Deepa – Nivedyadi Samastharajopachara purja samarpayami)
Offer flower akshata and do namaskar
Sri Siddha Lakshmi Stotram
Sridevi pratama Prokta dvithiya Amrutodbhava |
Truthiya Kamaldevi chatirthi lokasundari ||
Panchami vishnupatni cha shasti Bhuvanathraya |
Saptamithu Vararoha ashtami Devikaa ||
Sarangapane navami,dashami Harivallabha |
Ekadashi Mahalakshmi dwadashi Lokapujitha||
Idum mantratmakam stotram yaha pateth cha suchinnaraha |
Tasma sarvani karyani sidantyeva na samshayaha||
(Offer sweet as naivedya after sprinkling the kalshodaka water)
(Offer puja with untied flowers)
Om Prakruthyai namaha
Om Vikruthyai namaha
Om Vidyayai namaha
Om Sarvabhutahitpradayai namaha
Om Shradhayai namaha
Om Vibhutarai namaha
Om Surabhai namaha
Om paramatmikayai namaha
Om Vache namaha
Om Padmalayai namaha
Om padmayai namaha
Om Shuchayai namaha
Om Sudhayai namaha
Om Swaahayai namaha
Om Swadayai namaha
Om Dhanyai namaha
Om Hiranmayai namaha
Om Lakshme namaha
Om Nityapushtayai namaha
Om Vibhavaryai namaha
Om Adityai namaha
Om Dityai namaha
Om Deeptayai namaha
Om Vasudhayai namaha
Om Vasudharinai namaha
Om Kamalai namaha
Om Kantayai namaha
Om Kamakshyai namaha
Om Krodhasambhavayai namaha
Om Anugrahapradayai namaha
Om Bhuddheyai namaha
Om Anaghayai namaha
Om Harivallabhayai namaha
Om Ashokayai namaha
Om Amrutayai namaha
Om deeptayai namaha
Om lokashokavinashinai namaha
Om Dharmanilayayi namaha
Om Karunayai namaha
Om Lokamatre namaha
Om padmapriyai namaha
Om Padmahastayai namaha
Om Padmakshai namaha
Om Padmasundarai namaha
Om Padmodbhavayai namaha
Om Padmamukhai namaha
Om Padmanabhapriyayai namaha
Om Ramyayai namaha
Om Padmamaladharayai namaha
Om Devai namaha
Om Padminyai namaha
Om Padmagandhinyai namaha
Om Punyagandhayai namaha
Om Suprasannayai namaha
Om Prasadabhimukhai namaha
Om Prabhayai namaha
Om Chandravadanayai namaha
Om Chandrayai namaha
Om Chandrasahodarai namaha
Om Chaturbhujayai namaha
Om Chandrarupayai namaha
Om Indirayai namaha
Om Indusheetalayai namaha
Om Aahladajananyai namaha
Om Pushtai namaha
Om Shivayai namaha
OM Shivakarai namaha
Om Satyai namaha
Om Vimalayai namaha
Om Vishwajananyai namaha
Om Tushtai namaha
Om Daridrya Nashinyai namaha
Om Peetapushkarinyai namaha
Om Shantayai namaha
Om Shuklamalyabarayai namaha
Om Shriyai namaha
Om Bhaskarai namaha
Om Bilvanilayayai namaha
Om Vararohayai namaha
Om Yashasvinyai namaha
Om Vasundarayai namaha
Om Udarangayai namaha
Om Harinai namaha
Om Hemamalinai namaha
Om Dhanadhanyakaryai namaha
Om Sidhayai namaha
Om Strainasoumyayai namaha
Om Shubhapradayai namaha
Om Nrupaveshmagatanandayai namaha
Om Varalakshmai namaha
Om Vasupradayai namaha
Om Shubhayai namaha
Om Hiranyaprakarayai namaha
Om Samudratanayayai namaha
Om Jayayai namaha
Om Mangaladevai namaha
Om Vishnuvakshastalastitayai namaha
Om Vishnupatai namaha
Om Prasannakshai namaha
Om Narayanasamshritayai namaha
Om Daaridradwamshinai namaha
Om Devyai namaha
Om Sarvopdravnivaranai namaha
Om Navadurgayai namaha
Om Mahakaalyai namaha
Om Brahma Vishnu Shivatmakayai namaha
Om trikalagnanasampannayai namaha
Om Bhuvaneshwarai namaha
(sri mahalakshmi ashtothara shatanamavali pujam samrapayami)
Do namaskar chanting the above words.
NAMASKAR: (hold flower and akshata in your hands and pray)
Yaraktambhujavasini vilasini chandamshu tejaswini |
Aarakta rudhirambara hasaki ya sri manohladini |
Ya raktnakara manthanath pragatita vishnoshcha yagehini |
Samam patu manorama bhagawathi laksmishcha padmashubha |
(Do sashtanga namaskar after chanting the above mantra)
Mahalaksmecha Vidmahe Vishnupathaicha Dheemahi |
Tanno Lakshmi Prachodayath ||
Praying so
Anaya pujaya bhagawati vaibhava laksmi |
Priyatam preta varada bhavatu ||
||Sri Lakshmi Narayana prasada siddhirastu ||
(Offer akshata and water in argya patra or container to goddess Lakshmi )
Devi dehi param gnanam devi dehi param sukham |
Dhanam dehi yasho dehi kamam mokshancha dehi me ||
(Chant the above mantra, offer akshata and do 5 times pradakshina namsakar and end the puja with mahamangalarati and arati)
|| Madhye madhye – swara – varna mantra – tantra – roopa – dosha
Prayaschitartam namtraya japamaham karishye ||
Achythaya namaha | Anantaya namaha | Govindaya namaha | (chant 3 times)
||Sri Prasanna Vaivhava Lakshmi Mahime||
Jaganmate yada sri deviya ananta kalyana rupagalalli vaibhava lakshmi rupavu ondu. Thanna eda bala galalli sampatdyotakavada gajagalinda devi sevithalagiddale. Aakeya aralida tavareya mele sukhasinlagidhale. Chaturbhujagalinda shobhisuva maatheya Melina eradu hastagalalli aralida tavare hugalannu bhakti shradhe gala sanketavagi darisidhale. Kelabhagad eradu hastagalinda bhaktarige balahastadinda apara dhana sampatannu eda hastadinda abhayavannu needi anugrahisutiddaale.
Vaibhava lakshmiya mahime aparavadaddu. Anadi kaladindalu aake yannu bhakti yinda pujisida halavaru bhaktaru sakala soubhaghya sampattugalannu padedu iha para sukhagalannu galisi dhanyaraagiddaare.
Ashta lakshmi endu entu rupa galinda bhaktarannu ashtaishwarya galinda
Harasuva karunamayi yada yee jaganmate yannu tappade aaradhisabeku.
Lakshmiya krupe illade narayana na krupeyu illa. Makkalu modalu thayi yannu more hoegu vante navu aake yannu “o jaganmate anathanu sakala daaridrya galindalu balaluthiruva nannannu sarvatha salahu. Ninna krupe yindale jeevanadalli entu bagheya ai siriyannu padeyalu sadhyavagide. Ninna paramanugrahavidhare tirukanu srimanta naga balla” endu bhakti yinda prarthisona.
Sri, Padma, kamala, mukunda mahishi, trilokeshwari, maa, ksheerabhsuta,
Virncha janani, vidya, sarojasana, sarvabheeshta phalaprada emba hanneradu 12 punyakara namagalannu prataha kaladalli yaaru patisuvaro avaru ellaa bhageya abheeshta galannu padeyutare.
Adi lakshmi, Santana lakshmi, gaja lakshmi, Dhana lakshmi, Dhaanya lakshmi, Vijaya lakshmi, Dhairya lakshmi, Maha lakshmi, emba entu rupagalinda nambida bhaktarannu salahuthiruva mahathaye! Ninage ananta-ananta namaskaragalu endu bedona. Sarva sughanda roopini lakshmi yannu (haalu, mosaru, tulasi, parimala, dravya galinda) dhana dhaanya Galalli sada nelasiruva mahalkshmi yannu bhakti inda krutagnate inda namsakarisabeku. Ahara dalli lakshmi yu sada nelasirutale. Adannu endendigu navu tiraskara dinda kanabaradu. Kopa, asamadhana, dukha dinda, aharavannu sweekarisidare lakshmiyu namage oliyalaralu. Heegiruvaga maathe Vaibhava Laksmi yu thanna krupa katakshavannu namma mele beeruvudu nishchaya vagide.
Narada, parashara, Bhrugu, Agastai, muntada maha mahimaru aake yannu pujisi dhanya radaru sri deviyu tannannu nambida bhaktarannu endendigu kai biduvudilla. Heegiruvaga Vaibhava lakshmi yannu tappade prati shukravara saralavagi yaadaroo pujisi dhanyaraagona.
Here are some evidences where plenty suhagans have fulfilled their wishes by doing this puja.
A husband from Bangalore tried visa to the U S and his visa got rejected 4 times then his wife did vaibhav lakshmi vrat and within eight weeks of puja her husband got visa and flew t to the US and today he is the head of that branch in Uttara Khand.
With Vaibhav Lakshmi’s grace just within two weeks of puja her husband got RS. 2000/- unknowingly and her son got a job.
A man who was ailing with a disease and had lost hopes of living – his wife did this vrat and he was cured with simple treatment.
There are plenty to share,

Rangoli for vaibav lakshmi vrata
Heege sakala manorathagallannu puraisuva sirideviaya vaibhava lakshmiyagi nambi pujisuva bhaktarige kamadhenu kalpavruksha dante bedida phala galannu needuthiddale.
Padmapuranoktiyante yava maneyalli athithi galige yata shakti satkara nadeyuvudo, piturkarya, devatha puje sada sathya vanne heluvudu, nudidante nadeyuvudu, go rakshane, dhaanya sangraha, kalaha villada stala, patiyodane hondikondu vaimanasya villade sada hasanmukhi yada gruhini iruthaleyo alli lakshmi badravagi nelesutale. Yee mathu swayam lakshmideviya pathiyada sri mann Narayana ne heliddagide.
Inthaha mahimanvithalu parama karunaa moorthiyu aada sri hariya priye yada vaibhava lakshmi puje yinda bhaktarellaru kruthartha ragi.
Sukha saubhagya, mangalya, sampathugalannu, padedu, dhanyaraguthare emballige, vaibhava lakshmiya mahimeyu sampoorna vayithu.
Vaibhava Lakshmi ARATI SONG:
Arati brlsgire vaibhava lakshmige | mangala mahathayi sri devige |
Chinnada harivanadalli okuli ittu arati belagire sri lakshmige ||
Mandiradolu dhana dhaanya daisiri irali|
Mane mandigella sukha soubhaghya barali |
Sri mandhara dhara krishnana ramaniyu bandilli arati sweekarisali ||
Jaya jaya venniri jaya lakshmige jaya jaya venniri vaibhava lakshmige |
Bhaya vella doora vagi jaya sigalemegendu |
Arati belagire sri Vaibhava lakumige||
Join your hands and pray-
Devi dehi param gnanam devi dehi param sukham |
Devi dehi yasho dehi mangalyam dehi me shubhe ||
||Vaibhava lakshmi devyai naivedyam samarpayami ||
Offer naivedya to goddess lakshmi.
Padmasane padmakare sarva lokaika pujita |
Narayana priye devi supreethabava sarvadaa||
Wear flower from vaibhava lakshmi kalash as Prasad and give other suhagans also.
This puja has to be performed till one’s wish is fulfilled.
For naivedya (prasadam) you can offer
1. Kheer (made out of Vermicelli as goddess lakshmi like this a lot.)
2. Sweet pongal (made of rice, green dal, sugar/jaggery, ghee, milk)
3. sajjige (sooji ka halwa)
4. Fried gram, sugar, dry coconut grated and ground together.
5. bananas, chopped, mixed with coconut and sugar.
6. Any other sweet dish which you know- can be made.
Once your wish is fulfilled then
Please invite atleast 8 suhagans and give them sindoor/haldi/bangles/beetle leaves/ beetle nut/ coconut/ banana or any fruit. And if possible coins, and vaibhav lakshmi vrat book to each one of them.
While you give them these please chant this mantra-
Devi dehi param gnanam devi dehi param sukham|
Dhanam dehi yasho dehi kamam mokshancha dehi meh||
Om Sainathaya Namaha
Hope you love this Pooja friends. I myself have not done this Pooja and love to spread this Pooja details to all Devotees who love Goddess Mahalakshmi.
May Sai Mahalakshmi bless Sunitha didi and her family for contributing this Pooja .
Om sainathaya namaha
I have one request i forgot to add- who ever does this puja has to put a red rose(preferably) or any red flower and the gold ornament or idol of goddess lakshmi- in the bowl of water and place the rangoli under the kalash if they are using photocopy of rangoli or do the rangoli and then place kalash on it.
Mahalakshmi Sahasranamam :
This is for devotees of Goddess Mahalakshmi who can listen to the mantra on day to day basis
You can download the Mahalakshmi Sahasranamam , 1008 sacred names of Goddess Mahalakshmi in the link below
Mahalakshmi Sahasranamam – 1008 sacred names of Goddess Mahalaxmi devi
Sai Ki jai
Sairam Sunitha didi , when ever somone asks doubts i shall paste here n u can answer as comment..leave the website box as blank in comments section.
Sairam anna,
Thank u so much anna for giving us the information abt the mahima of Vaibhava Lakshmi vrata & also for the vidhi. May Mata lakshmi bless me to do this vrata.
Some doubts anna: Can we start this vrat on any friday, How many fridays it should be done & is it necessary to keep fast also.
Anna may Sriman Narayan & Mata Lakshmi bless u with excellent career life & give u abundance of peace prosperity & harmony for spreading this divine message with all of us. I am really very grateful to u anna for sharing this with us. I will surely do this vrat if amma permits me & will inform u.
Sairam Anna,
Yes you can start Prasanna Vaibhava Lakshmi Vrata any Friday, Honest to god, I did not fast when i started this puja. There is no hard and fast rule as to fasting, and not using sour items in your food and so on so do you can eat and do this puja but if you are a non vegetarian skip that. Usually you have to do this puja until you fulfill your wish. I liked this puja so i have been doing since 11 years. May goddess and sairam bless you to materialize your wish and loads of happiness.
sai ram
Sairam Anna & Sairam Sunitha didi
Thanks a lot for this divine information. After reading this post i am really feeling like doing this vrat. Lets see what is amma’s wish. I had done this vrat 7-8 yrs back along with my mummy. I will go through the procedures once again & if there is any doubt will seek ur guidance sunitha di.
May maa Lakshmi always bless u & ur family.
Sairam Dimple,
Godess Lakshmi is creating interest in you, please do the puja any doubts regarding the puja i will clear your doubts. let sri mann narayan and goddess lakshmi bless you with loads of neverending happiness.
and all that you want.
keep chanting
Digambara Digambara Sripada Vallabha Digambara |
Digambara Digambara Aavadoota Chintana Digambara ||
when ever you can.
Sai ram
Sairam Sunitha di,
Thank u so much for ur sweet reply. Felt very happy reading it. I will surely get in touch with u when i will confirm abt doing this vrat. I am sure u will definitely guide me di.
May Amma Lakshmi’s kripa & daya always be upon u & ur family.
Sairam Dimple,
thank you so much, i will definetely help you out with any doubts.
sairam friends
One of my sai friend Priya said this mantra is powerful
Om Sridevi hari: amruthothbootha kamala chandra shobana,
vishnu patni, vaishnavi ,vararoha cha Sharangini
Recite it 12 times everyday
Sai mahalakshmi bless you
Sairam anna,
Really a wonderful sloka. I will note it down in my diary & will try to recite it.
Thanks Priya & thanks Anna for sharing this beautiful sloka. May Maa Lakshmi shower her blessings on all of us.
sairam anna
Im so happy to read maa laxmi pooja, I really want to start Maa laxmi poja on Friday does it have to be certain time of the month or i can start any friday.
Sairam Nhipa,
I am replying today as i was out of town till date.
Mahalakshmi puja doesnot require particular day, you can start on any Friday.
So please start any day.
May goddess mahalakshmi materialize your dreamz keep you happy always.
Sunitha Ravikumar
Thank you very much for the information.
Could you please share the image of the Rangoli on which Kalasha has to placed.
Dear Madhura,
Thanks a ton for reminding me of Rangoli.
i have sent to Venkat Brother as i dont know how to add to this.
wish you good luck and Materialize what you want to.
Sunitha Ravikumar
dhigambara dhigambara sri paadhavallaba dhigambara
dhigambara dhigambara sri avadhutha chinthana dhigambara
om sri dattagurusainathaya namaha.
om sai ram
i suggest this pooja to one of my friend.. before start we both went to mahalakshmi temple in karnataka(guruvanahalli)after return she start this pooja..
after finishd pooja she got lot of blessings from mahalaxmi
wn she doing pooja she got one dream n told abt that dream to me …wt she got in dream
it was came mahalaxmi blessing with reality…
om sailaxmi namo namaha..
Om Sai ram,
I am glad to hear that your friend is blessed by Goravanahalli mahalakshmi. I had been to this temple couple times and i had met the Ajji (granny) who use to bless and distrbiute black beads to every unmarried girls so that they are blessed with good husband.
Sai ram
Thanks alot for the informative and very helpful site.
I would like to know if you are allowed to have milk and fruits during the day of the Vrat,
and after doing the puja (after sunset) can you break your fast and have salt (after taking prasad that was offered) ?
Namaste Sidhi,
I don’t fast on Friday, i have regular meals, If you intend to fast you can eat fruits and milk during day and break your fast and have any food except non vegetarian and egg items if you are meat eater. But let me tell there is no hard and fast rule of fasting and avoiding salt and sour things in Vaibhava Lakshmi Vrata. You can have prasad and the regular meals.
Take care,
Sai ram
Namaste Sidhi,
I have been doing this for 11 years now and i donot fast on fridays, i eat regular meals, do puja in the evening and have prasad and later dinner. Donot cook non vegetarian food or egg on fridays if you are a meat eater. If you still want to fast you can eat fruits and milk during day time and with prasad you can regular food for dinner.
Om Sainathaya namaha
Hi Sunitha,
Thank you very much for such an inspiring post!
It would be very nice, if you can share Kannada literature of Sri Vaibhava Lakshmi vratha.
Best Regards,
Bhavana Nagaraj
Hello Bhavana,
I can give you the Kannada version of Vaibhava Lakshmi Vratha,
Please send in your email ID. I will email it to you
Good Luck
Sunitha Ravikumar
Could you please send me the Kannada version of Vaibhava Lakshmi Vratha,
Hi Pallavi,
Please send in your email ID, so that I can scan and send you the kannada version of Vaibhava Lakshmi Vrata.
My email Id is –
Hi,Thank you for detailed description about the Vidhi and imprtance of Sai-Mahalaxmi puja. It is really very elaborative and nice, thanks for taking pain for putting together this for all of us. I am planning to start the puja, but before doing that I would like you to clarify certain concens of mine, in response to this mail. Thanking you in advance for all your support and dedication.
1. On which day of the week this puja should be performed and at what time morning/evening?
2. For how many weeks we should continue?
Looking forward to your reply.
Best Regards,
Latika Mohanty.
Sairami Mohanty,
Vaibhava Lakshmi Puja has to be started on any Fridays,
In the evening – Puja has to be started at 5: 30 Pm every Friday.
If you are doing puja for Particular reason then you have continue till you fulfill otherwise 16 weeks.
Hope this info will help you further doubts can be cleared
Good luck
thanks a lot didi sunitha.
this is very informative and i have come to know about this in detail from you.
thanks a lot didi…. once again..
Good Luch Jayapadma,
Its all goddesses Vaibhava Lakshmi’s grace.
let her shover on you loads of blessings and happiness
Sunitha,thank you very much .
Please tell me Vaibhava Laxmi Pooja & Sai Mahalaxmi Pooja both are same pooja & same vidhi.
Hi Latika,
Sai Mahalakshmi Pooja is been written by Venkat Brother, Basically he has explained about 8 forms and ways of praying for different reasons. He has explained in detail about each prayer and forms and given beautiful illustration about simple steps to follow while praying and doing puja, He has also highlighted about lighting 8 lamps to ashta lakshmi. This is a simple Puja.
Vaibhava laksmi vrata is basically Gajalakshmi Puja, and the method has been given in detail. All forms are same Lakshmi. Hope this info has cleared your doubts.
Hello Madam,
I have done thsi vrat 2 years back but without any wish just started and completed as i read in the book. After that i was blessed with many things and now i want to do that agin but with a wish to buld a new home. Then How i have to start. Upto now we even not buy a plot for house. Only planning. Plaesae help me by giving your valuable advice
Hello Bhaagiradi,
You have experienced this vrat and reaped the fruit already,
Please start Sri Vaihava lakshmi vrat, as you have done earlier with this wish, you will be fulfilled. You dont have to be having plot, who knows you might buy a built house or a flat even. Do this puja with trust, faith, positive thinking and patience you will be materialized.
Let goddess Lakshmi shover her blessings on you and fulfill your wish.
Dear Sunitha ji and Venkatramana ji
I found your independent posts enlightening.I want to clear some doubts regarding the vrata. According to the book of Vaibhav Lakshmi vrata, the pooja has to start after sunset. There is also a katha mentioned in the book apart from the stotras.Please advise me how to go about it. I have got all the samagri and intend to start tomorrow.
Sincerely thanking you
Should the katha follow the recitation of shlokas or is what u hav ementiond in the site enough?
Sai ram Renuamin,
I was out of town so….. delay in reply.
Please follow what ever is mentioned in the site, it has everything.
I do have the kannada literature if anybody needs to follow.
Sunitha Ravikumar
Would The audio track of the above slokas be available…that would really help
I want to start with Vaibhav Lakshmi Pooja; But we stay in Sharjah – UAE and it is weekly holiday and my husband and son want me to be out with them sometimes .. i know it is difficult to change puja time but just asking can I do this pooja early morning? say between 4am and 5 am? If not I will manage as Godess Lakmi wants me to do this ( as I have come across this pagE)
Dear madum/sir,
I am mrs.praveena.r.rao from dubai . I want to perform varamahalaxmi vrath . But the problem is I don’t have mango leaves
And betal leaves for eating betal leaves & nuts are prohibited.that’s y I can’t take for pooja.pls guide me which method can use.I am waiting for ur mail. Hope u wil send .
Hey Swati,
Hope this will give you an answer.
My husband had tried his US visa 7 consecutive times and got rejected by a concerned lady who issues visa. Every time to his luck she use to be there, and she boldly told my husband that there is no reason but she does not feel like stamp the visa on his passport. My husband had given hopes and said I have lost enough money on visa charges I will not apply anymore. I had faith in Goddess lakshmi so I asked him to give a last chance.At the same time I had started this vrata and taken oath for 16 weeks, but I was pregnant and was told to stop lakshmi puja during pregnancy, I did not know what to do. I decided to end the puja on 8th week itself and the same Friday My husband had been for visa – so i decided to do the puja morning and by Goddess lakshmi’s grace i did arti and at the same time I got a tinkle saying that He got Visa.
So at times when you cannot perform puja you can go ahead and do at your convenience. so avoid those days when your family needs your presence and perofrm whenever you can in the evenings.
Please don not think otherwise, i have shared this experience to bring in confidence while doing puja.
May goddess Vaibhava lakshmi fulfill all your wishes.
Dear Praveena,
I have sent the kannada version of Sri Vaibhava lakshmi vrata via email as per your request.
As I have mentioned in the Vrata You have to draw or place the photocopied rangoli (coloured photocopy will be good) then a thali filled with rice and on top of that a container or kalash filled with water and any ornament in it. You will be doing the puja on this. so go ahead and start the puja accordingly.
Here Tulasi don’t survive so i have a silver tulsi pot and i perform puja every day.
If you can afford and willing to invest – when you visit India – you can buy a silver kalash – with beetal leaves, coconut a small one would do with this your purpose will be solved and you can perform puja happily.
Let the Goddess Vaibhava Lakshmi fulfill all your wishes.
Dear madum/sir,
I am mrs.praveena.r.rao from dubai . I want to perform varamahalaxmi vrath . But the problem is I don’t have mango leaves
And betal leaves for eating betal leaves & nuts are prohibited.that’s y I can’t take for pooja.pls guide me which method can use.I am waiting for ur mail. Hope u wil send .
I need to get a PDF version of the Shree Vaibhav Lakshmi book in English. Can you anyone help me out? I was also told that I should not wish for money when I’m bring my sankalp. Is this true? I’m having money problems and truth be told, thats what I would like to pray for. Any help on that end?
Sai Ram Kavi,
Many people have been blessed with wealth, health, peace, happiness etc, I am one of them, So Goddess Vaibhava Lakshmi knows what to give and to be blessed. If you are lacking wealth please go ahead and pray for it and do the puja with due respect, trust and patience. You will be blessed. Do not give a hearing to those sayings, what you think you will get and happen. One should think positive.
Regarding the english version – I don’t have but translated it in english and the same has been put by Venkat Brother,
May goddess Vaibhava Lakshmi bless you in materializing your needs and dreams.
Sunitha Ravikumar
I am 5 weeks pregnant and have been observing Laxmi vrat from last 2-3 years. I don’t want to stop the vrat. Please advise what I should do?
Sairam Mina,
Please go ahead and continue Vrat.
But if you are practicing fast during vrat days please stop as you are pregnant.
Good luck
I am planning to start Vaibhavalakshmi Vratham.I have everything ready to do this.We are a meat eating family.I usually do not cook nonveg on any fridays,but is it ok to cook on other days except fridays or should we all stop eating meat till the vrat is completed.Please advice.
Sairam Sowmya,
You all can eat meat other days except Friday, For some reason if anyone wants to eat meat on Friday- can eat outside. Whoever does the Vrat should avoid eating meat only on Fridays.
So….. You can start this vrat happily.
Let Goddess Vaibhava Lakshmi fill your life with endless happiness.
Sairam Sunitha,
Thanks for your reply.
Today is my first day of Vaibhavalakshmi vratham.
May Maa Laksmi shower her blessings on you and your family.
I wish to take Vaibhava Lakshmi pooja, seeking the blessing from goddess to have a child.
Since I am a working women i would like to know If I can perform this Pooja on the Friday mornings
as am not sure of being at home within 5:30 pm.
Please advice.
Sairam Lakshmi,
If it is possible to start puja by 6:30 pm also its fine. Otherwise you can go ahead and do the puja in the early morning itself. As I was awaiting a result by noon I did it at noon and during arti time I got the news.
So Shradha, Saburi, Bhakti is what needed in doing Puja,
Let goddess shower her blessings with a healthy Child.
If i am observing vrat, should I stop @ the time of pregency?
Sairam Akanksha,
If you are comfortable in continuing the Vrat, then please continue and do not stop.
God bless you with a healthy, baby.
Sai Ram Sunitha,
I was guided by a friend of mine abou the Govarannalakshmi Pooja Today. I am currently struggling in a fight to get married to hte man i love. His parents are completely against it as we belong to different castes. A friend of mine told me that by doing the Govaranna Lashmi Vratha for 21 / 41 days i will be able to get blessed with the prayer that i am asking for.
I read all the comments and details on this site and am feeling very encouraged and have strong faith that this will help us.
I consider the news to me as Matha Lakshmi’s way of showing me a solution.
Please guide me as you are blessed byt the Goddess with immense knowledge.
Thank You.