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What is Growth of a Nation which harms Nature

Sairam friends,

I am really upset with life today and do not want to write anything in StarSai. Last night, I went to Shirdi Saibaba temple and climbed up the terrace to offer Garland to Saibaba statues. Then I came home and slept off at 11. I had a dream as if myself and my friends are in a Shooting spot and we make our own film. I din’t understood what Sai wants to convey by this.

In the next day, I saw myself starting from my Mom’s native village. There used to be a huge Banyan tree in the corner of the street when we were kids. It was cut when I visited the village after several years. There used to be a small lake opposite to this road.

In the dream, I was shocked to see a Huge Fly over built in the same place. I am having coffee in a shop and climbed up the Flyover holding the wall and reach the top. There were some kids who were playing near me. I saw from the flyover, the lake below. To my shock, a huge factory was operating there and taking sand from the river.

That’s it.

It must be around 5 A.M when I got this dream and understood this way.

Its not about people taking Sand and selling. Similar issue happens every where across India. In developed Nations, they are very smart and keeping their Natural resources safe but in India, we are in hurry to use all our Natural resources and it seems future Generations will never experience the gift of Nature.

We need good infrastructure. We need good roads, flyovers, better organizations, careers and more money but in trying to accomplish this, we are harming Nature.

100 years from now, what will be the quality of life of an average Indian?

May be Sai is concerned about it and blessed me with this dream.

Why such dream to me?

I can only write and do nothing about it because every moment I work on my websites or launch a new site or access Internet, I am also adding to be Carbon footprint. I created but have to work on to spread the message of growing more plants and trees.

The message is “We call something as Growth in our own meaningless perspective and actually harming our environment. Let us leave a better Earth for future Generations to live peacefully.”

This dream is another example of how Saints think not about this moment but also about how the world is going to be after several years. I won’t be here 100 years from now but there will be a ordinary Indian who becomes a Sai devotee and questions him if his environment is not good.

How can Sai answer this devotee?

Now i am really late for work

I am upset with life Baba…Your dreams are fine but think about me also.


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