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What makes you happy?

Sairam friends,

Now a days, when ever I come back home from work and sit in front of my Computer, I start to worry a lot. I have few work to do like my Online course, I bought some books to read or I can also remember Sai peacefully. When I am not able to do all this and worry, I wonder if I don’t know to keep myself happy when I am alone. May be, I am not positive as Saibaba expects me to do. The project I planned is getting delayed as I lack some knowledge. I am upset about how life is. This morning, I remembered how ambitious I was years back and what I would have changed in myself if I knew that I will never achieve anything after so many years? Something is wrong with the way I live. The only positive aspect of my life is my association with Shirdi Sai Baba.

I felt like collecting answer from Sai devotees for the question

“What makes you happy?”

You can write anything but remember Saibaba has always requested us to be content with what we have in life.

Everyone of you have desires but fulfilling the desire alone may not be the reason for happiness because when Saints don’t give us something they make us go through something that will give us eternal happiness.

Anyway, You can obviously share your desires and prayers which can make you happy. It may not may not come true but my intention is to make you do an analysis of your state of mind.

May be, you can be happy irrespective of all the disappointments in life. Irrespective of all the worries, Happiness is about your ability to discover that you are already with a good guru like Saibaba and holding his palm, you are walking in the path towards peace and happiness.

Sai blessings,


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  • After years of trying out various formula to get happiness I have finally realized what gives me fulfillment in life.
    I feel joyous and content when I see the goodness in others and try to help when and where I can thus relieving some people of their difficulties.
    I feel happy when good happens around me such as when I help people overcome their hurdles.
    Yes, I have been taken for granted, ridiculed by some for being a caring human being but being who I am gives me peace and joy.

  • Having come across your site and seeing the profound devotion and dedication of yours towards Baba is really amazing.God bless you.Shri Sainathayanamaha.

  • Sairam Venkat,

    Please stop worrying. Baba has blessed you with an admission to a course offered by the prestigious London Business School. You have to now concentrate on studying and scoring well in that course ( i assume its some course related to the business management). This I hope might out to be a turning point in your life. So kindly leave all other thoughts and study. I have been trying to do my masters for the last five six years but have never succeeded still. So make use of the valuable opportunity Baba has given you. Not everybody get this..All the very best. I pray Baba to give you full concentration to study.


  • Jai Sai Ram,

    This questions comes in my mind once in three days,
    i answer myself the same way as you answer.

    I know Baba want me to be positive,

    But even for this too i am in need of Baba only to have a clear vision only positive side of everything in life.

    Only our Sai should and can hep me to do that.

    Jai Sai Ram

  • I really liked this sentence,”The only positive aspect of my life is my association with Shirdi Sai Baba.”
    How many people u knw have this level of love for Baba Sai……l.
    U have the kohinoor & ur worried…..!!!!
    Let go & live a Sai filled life….
    Maya always totures our minds….

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