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What am I going to do for my Nation?

Sairam friends,

Couple of days back, Sai blessed me with a peculiar dream. It was as if Saibaba is saying “You should take care of the Nation as there’s no question of welfare at home if you don’t bother the Nation”

Nation could mean multiple things to me.

It could be my neighborhood.

It could mean the City I live – Coimbatore or It could also mean the Nation as whole.

With so many issues happening in India, I am not sure what Sai wants me to focus on?

Sometime in 2012, I had a dream in which Saibaba asked me to create a Trust for families of Indian Army veterans and those who have sacrificed their life for the Nation.

Until now, I have no clue how to proceed. Probably, this is something I could try doing in future.

Having said that, I should initially think what I am going to do for myself and my parents – To make them happy.

Many people think that I am blessed to get dreams from Sai almost everyday. Here’s another challenge. Even when Sai used to live in Shirdi, he spoke in parables. Not all can understand what Sai means to convey. Similarly, Sai dreams sometimes are very strange.

It’s hard to understand what Saibaba wants us to do.

I seek Sai’s guidance in helping me do something productive.

I got one idea.

I am working on a project focusing on promoting global companies. May be, Sai wants to make a project exclusively to promote Indian companies. This way, I bring revenue into India and there by create more jobs in India.

Lets see what happens in near future.

Om Sai Ram


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