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What the world is doing when my eyes are closing after lunch?

Sairam friends,

I have a strange pain in my head now a days. Last night, I woke up and felt as if everything around me is revolving. In the morning, I woke up to see the walls slowly coming to a standstill. My Mom asks me to do some physical activity instead of sitting on P.C. So, I do Surya Namaskaram which involves few steps.

I was feeling so dizzy while doing it and thought I am going to fall down at work place. Later, I felt completely alright.

I have been facing a very big problem the past several years. I can be active at night doing some work, reading etc but during day time, especially after lunch, I feel so sleepy. This could be because I sleep too late at night but its too embarrassing when my eyes naturally tries to close.

I was playing with my friend the other day doing all action about how badly I  feel sleepy.

I am surprised as many at my office are busy doing their work and wonder how they are never sleepy and I sound like a dumbo. Some of them keep their eyes wide open and look into the monitor.

Anyway, StarSai is for people who needs help over coming negatives and living positive.

If you are like me, here are some stupid ways to divert your self

1. Read something that’s exiting.

2. If you have real good friends, turn to them and pull their legs by making fun of them. I feel happy even if someone beats or punches me because it makes me active and normal.

3. I try to see if I can do any meetings during such time as when I speak about something, I feel good and active but honestly, we can’t do it every other day.

and there’s only one smart way….

4. Coffee saves me

Many saints have said this “Food is God- Annam Brahmeti” – This was said by a 19th century saint who lived during Shirdi Saibaba’s life time. I believe he’s Gajanan Maharaj. So in a way, I thank God for giving me Coffee as it keeps me active.

Why I am writing this article today? Its because the past couple of days, I have a strange pain in my head at night and after lunch, I feel so sleepy.

I thought of educating myself about the value of time. So today, I am doing an analysis of what the world is doing in one hour.

I fascinate flights and the Art of flying. So tried to find out how hard some engineer somewhere will be building this beautiful flying machine – Boeing 787. It might look odd if you read this article after 10 years. My intention is to teach myself there are people who are working day and night to achieve something.

A Boeing 787 can fly Maximum speed (at sea level) 678.2 miles per hour 

Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Boeing 787 Factory Photos – Courtesy of

What if you are in such a factory? You can never close your eyes for a second. May be, I must imagine that I am working in a Factory like this so that I will remain active. What if you are asked to assemble the wheel by end of the day? he he ..

My boss would ask me to do spray painting to one of these wings. I will use all my creativity to make an Art work which would beautify the sky it flies.

787-9 Factory

First Boeing 787-9 in Factory at Final Body Join

Oh God. This looks like real sleep buster.

I might be asked to do welding of these Boeing parts and a Metallurgy engineer will teach me how to do it.

I will request an expert engineer to do the Assembling work and I will tell him/her “You tell me which size screw driver you need and I shall pick it for you from the tools box.”

Then, I will wear a skating boots and skate around the flight if I ever feel sleepy.

I walk a lot at my office going from here to there and this is my best time because you can’t sleep when you walk. How Intelligent? Please note this point. Its a Million dollar solution.

Looks like Boeing factory has lots of stair case where I can climb and shout aloud ‘Hellooooooooo….Can I get 2 cups of coffee one for each eye to be wide open?”

Boeing 787 Dreamliner is built with hardwork of hundreds of Smart and dedicated professionals and I am a part of it. ( At least in my Imagination)

boeing 787 Dreamliner

Yes. We did it. I am asked to work at night and whistle to help the Pilot know there are no other vehicle or people while taking the plane reverse out of our factory

Isn’t that beautiful.

Its Classic.

What a finish.

I only made the final tight fixing of the nuts and bolts which is holding those wings intact… he he…

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy…Lets celebrate !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am asked to sit near the Pilot and see if there are any flying objects in front. I keep my eyes wide open and look at the beautiful clouds, sky and aerial view of all the cities, towns, villages as we fly across several borders and mighty ocean.

boeing 787 10

I am Flying on Boeing 787 …Vow..Everything blue.

My Mom tells me that I am not hardworking like my sister and I must learn from her. My Sister used to spend even night times in her lab for her research work.

I wonder what I will do in life.

I have done so many mistakes in past and present and hope I do something good in future.

Today, When I was feeling sleepy, I read some articles about people who have achieved by doing creative innovation. Why didn’t I do anything worthy in life Saibaba?

This article could be funny but I really wish to do something good.

Every day in my life passes on without any meaning.

Sometimes I laugh, many times, I do stupid things and some times, I cry to Sai thinking why my life is like this?

This evening, one of this girl was asking why I sound worried and some of the questions she asked was exactly like my Mom. I was surprised how she speaks this way. I told her, I will do what Saibaba tells me to do and can’t explain how Saibaba is guiding me.

Its not easy to explain how Saibaba is guiding me to someone. Its between me and Sai.

I might be upset with Sai but I know Sai is working on my life.

Anyway, I thanked her for the concern and told her, I wish to make my parents happy and believe Sai will help me soon.

I wish to do something creative.

Please bless me to be active when ever I want to be Saibaba.

This was my prayer today night when I climbed on terrace of Shirdi Saibaba temple to offer garland to all big Statues of Saibaba.

Its 12.30 at night now.  I am sleepy once again.

Have a good journey

and remember me when ever you feel tired.

Do this imagination that you are part of something big.

Something as big as Boeing.

Something as big as Himalayas.

You are part of something really beautiful friends.

You have to live life the way you dream.

Now I am flying ….


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  • We can only appreciate them unlike StarSai leading us to Sai with no mantra tantra or yantra.God bless you.Shri Sainathayanamaha.

  • I am addicted to browsing and internet ,i write a lot ,hence has to use net..I am having severe head ach,These days.I couldn’t able to sleep well at nights as i am constantly working on net for wrting am getting sleepy on afternoon…..i knw my body is facing some discomfort know….so i just want to take my self away from all the materialistic things for atleast a week..Not am physically exhausted but am mentally exhausted….

    I missed singing Arati…I missed chanting your name…

    You will be there for me even i forgot you sometimes.

    But u see and bless me all the time…..forgive me Baba…




    Please baba…give me the bliss of reading your leela once again…..

    Please baba……

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