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What will you say when people ask what your Shirdi Saibaba did for you?

Sairam friends,

There are moments in our life when we don’t have answer for questions people ask.

Here it goes

“What your Shirdi Saibaba did for you?”

Is he not guiding you properly?

I think you are having too much patience and sitting idle thinking Saibaba will do good to you but you don’t take any effort.

So on and on..

These questions can’t be answered. The people who ask such questions are not bad or harming you. They are just worried about you as they care a lot for you. So be kind to them. You certainly cannot trace any perfect answer for questions which emerges out of frustration or sympathy on you. Be calm and thank Sai for making people realize you have had enough patience as he desires.

You really can’t explain people what Sai has done for you.

The best part is when you are too upset, depressed and nothing seems to move in your life. You angrily look into the eyes of Saibaba himself and ask “What did you do for me?”

Well. Its human nature to be upset with people whom we depend on and hence we also might get upset with our Sai.

This feeling is not new to you or any one devoted to any God, good Saint or Saibaba. This feeling is a part of the relationship between Guru and his devotee.

Once Hamadpand asked Saibaba

‘Many people come to you. Do they all get blessed?”

Sai showed him the Mango tree and said “Look how beautiful is the tree with lots of flowers. Do they all turn into fruits? Some fall off early.”

I re-wrote the word as I remember from Sai Satcharitra. ( A devotee wrote me I must spell it Sai Satcharita and I am yet to thank her but honestly everyone searches for the term “Sai Satcharitra) 

Your Shradha and Saburi – Faith and Patience is really appreciated by Sai.

Hold on.

You will be blessed with good happenings in your life and you can answer your dear one’s about what Sai did for you?

Needless to say, they won’t ask again.

Sai is a practical saint. When he can’t do something, he remains calm. When he can, he works wonders.



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  • There should be no difference between Guru and God otherwise it is like a loose strand of a thread and the eye of needle.God bless.

  • Om Sai ram..sai has done so much for me…even though I have often done things which he dint like..he has always guided would b opt to say reduced my pain. Sai Malik…

  • Today I happened to open to the very page where Baba replied orally to what Damu anna thought.He Will Be There When Ever And Where Ever He Thought Of Him.God bless.

  • true . he is a practically saint and helps where he can. But faith and patience as sai said are two important things. But as a human being when you are always on the receiving end you tend to loose and get frustrated.


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