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When you don’t know what to do in life…

Sairam friends,

I have a feeling that Sai doesn’t care for me anymore and this is a natural feeling in most of the Sai devotees when ever they realize their life isn’t going the way they expected. I know Sai is working on something good for me and hold on to him with heart and soul. Just that i started questioning if he is unable to show is grace on me after several years me doing good as much as I can.

Yesterday, I was reading about Content 2.0:  Like we have a Content strategy for commercial websites, may be Sai isn’t satisfied with what I write and how I serve.  There are so many other ways to create a much better, more inspiring StarSai where devotees will feel the presence of Shirdi Saibaba in their heart when they read. In spirituality, one has to cross so many tests by God and Saints and still remain the humble servant of God to make them believe in us.

Probably Sai doesn’t believe in me any more to bless me.

There are many Sai devotees who will be in similar state in life when they don’t know what to do further. I read about so many inspiring people. They don’t even have time to pray or go to temple. They are doing their duty properly and creating a better world.

Sai himself likes “Karma Marga” – The path of works. Rather than worrying about my past and future, I wish to do something productive.

Its easy for me to write various Sai leela in StarSai which happened in Sai’s life time and also few experiences from devotees. That might be more useful for devotees. When I write my present state of mind in StarSai, I am trying to help millions of other people who are in similar state.

Hold on. Sai will surely do good to you.

I am getting late for work now. As usual, I continue to remember Goddess Lalithambigai as she has fills  my heart with devotion. I am in the process of learning from her.



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