Contact Venkat

Who can love me more than you Ma?

Sairam friends,

Last evening, I had been to shopping with my friend. Then, I went to Saibaba temple and reached home. I was going through some problem the past 2 days and irrespective of the fact that Sai blessed me with a beautiful dream.

I slept off early and had various dreams. I saw some of my friends at work but now I forgot what ever I saw. Just before I woke up, I heard my Mom’s voice as if she’s calling me. I woke up and saw my Father as usual was making coffee in kitchen.

I am blessed with wonderful Ma and Pa and they love me so much. I don’t like to get married just because my parents think some girl is going to take care of me. I don’t think anyone can love me more than my Ma and its the same for every Man and Women.

I have hurt my parents and wish Sai could do leela and make me bring happiness to my parents.



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  • sai brother venkat, wish and pray that your sincere prayers are answered soon. Baba bless us all

  • Sairam Venkat,

    This message is an universal truth.

    Nobody in this world can love us more than our parents.

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