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why education is important

sairam friends,

Its my long time desire to do something related education field because when i was in college i hated studies and dint do my post graduation because of which i suffered a lot. I never worked properly and dint got any good i want everyone to study well…

By saibaba’s grace created a new website to spread the greatness of education

sainath maharaj blessings


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  • Jai Sai Ram,

    Dear SAI RAM friends, i am a very bad natured person, i never tried to take responsibilities of my family, my parents, wife and a son. I am not satable in life. I never did any thing for society. I am feeling that i am waisting my life and time. Sai says that do good for others and you will be benifited for that. But SAI always helps me when i am in bad condition. HE always helps me. But i never understnd that HIS blessings. Plz guide me so that i dedicate myself and my deeds to SAIRAM

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