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Why you are not able to find the right husband or wife and how Saibaba could help you?

Om Sai Ram friends,

I call India as “Marriage Nation”. If you are not married at the right time and age, You might have to face lots of problems from the environment you live and the place you work. I made a video about it few years back which I have linked below this blog.

I know quite a few girls who are approximately over 30 years of age and they write to me saying Shirdi Saibaba has not blessed them with the right guy (Husband).

Very rarely, I also get mails from parents of guys saying their son was not able to find the right girl (wife).

Especially, when a girl is getting older beyond 30, everyone around her gets into a state as if she’s supposed to find the right man very soon or things are going to be very bad for her.

Some girls might be able to manage the people around them but it’s certainly not possible when your parents get upset and irritated that you are not married.

We have to think about why you are not able to find the right husband or wife?

I can’t simply say it’s karmic. The good and bad deeds we do in our past lives could be a reason for you to face problems in the relationship and not being able to find the right husband. Having said that, I should warn it’s not just your karma.

Sometimes, Saibaba can’t get you what you desire when the whole society is ruined. Maybe, Saibaba himself was not able to find the a good man or girl in this fast world. I mean, maybe, Sai needs more time.

I will tell you an example. Many youngters write to me from metro cities. In some cities, it has become so cosmopolitan that it is difficult to expect someone to have a good nature as they show outside.

A man or a women can externally seem to be good and decent but deep inside, they may not be good as a human being. So Sai needs to work on your karma, and find a right guy for you irrespective of the fast and ruined world you live in.

Let’s see how Saibaba could help you get the right husband

Saibaba cares. He really does but at the same time, in few issues like marriage, it takes several years to find the right soul mate. So please hold on.

You might have come across a guy whom you like and they never bothered you. Well. It happens. Don’t wait for someone who doesn’t understand your value in their life. Saibaba may not have blessed you with the right guy yet, but he can certainly bless you with the ability to move on with life. Boldly.

For some people, things won’t and don’t happen on time. It keeps dragging. This doesn’t mean Sai is not helping you. Maybe, Saibaba is saving you from marrying the wrong guy.

During the process of waiting to get the right guy, you might have to face some arguments at home with parents or relatives. Well. This happens in every Indian family. Please maintain your cool. Do not get frustrated. Saibaba will help you someday. Just believe in that.

I can suggest only one thing to you. Have immense patience. If someone makes you feel really painful, do not hurt yourself. Try to think that Saibaba is working on your life.

Some girls simply tell me, they want to end their life. Well. This certainly is not a solution. Your parents will be pained and you can always live without getting married. Just that, this Nation is ruined with a society where it won’t let a man or a women who’s not married to lead their life peacefully.

So hold on. Divert your mind. Please see other good aspects of your life. Surely Saibaba won’t let you down. Have patience. Have immense patience.

Remain Pure. It’s important to be pure and keep your thoughts clean. In metro cities, both girls and guys tell me that it’s OK to have relationship that has no love or intention of getting married. Please don’t be hooked to such a lifestyle. Irrespective of how long it takes, remain pure. Purity is all that Saibaba expects from you and me.

Now, let me tell you how Saibaba can help you. He will. Surely he will. Sometimes, it takes years. That’s how it work. Have immense patience until then.

I am making such videos to heal girls and guys who are in such pain.

So don’t worry

Baba will certainly help you.

Om Sai Ram


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