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Why I want good people to become Sai devotees and not be fooled by fake Gurus?

Sairam friends,

Something I realized is that we shouldn’t bother any girl just because we like her. When I kept writing to this girl Sai showed me in dream, I did not realize she would have felt insecure. Now, I felt that I have not bothered any girls like I did to her.

May be, I should have minded my business though Saibaba showed her in dream. Anyway, I was too excited with Sai dreams and reacted like stupid. Even now, I mail her once in a while which I really desire to stop. May be, she will get married to someone she likes in the months to come.

The message here is simple: Don’t bother anyone if they don’t like to befriend you. Simply don’t bother.

Because this too is a bad karma. It will come back to us someday.

As I get old, I am starting to see where I went wrong. I can’t blame Sai for his dreams but I would have reacted with patience.

Surprisingly, today, I saw a dream in which I saw myself going into my previous company lobby. I saw couple of my friends and also a girl with whom I haven’t spoken much. But she’s happy to see me there.

Having said that, I am happy with my current company. Then, why should I keep getting such dreams as if I go back to previous company? The other day, I thought that in current company, I have good number of friends, they run with better product and revenue model and hence, I have no reasons to quit.

That night, Sai showed a dream as if only one guy stands near me and all others are keeping away from me. It was a dream in which Sai made me realize not all who speaks well to me are my friends.

So lets see what happens in the days to come. I believe, Sai has his own ways of doing good to me. I will do whatever Sai asks me to do.

Let’s come to the theme of today’s article.

Why should good people become Sai devotees?

The past few days, I am seriously disturbed by emerging fame of fake Gurus in India. I am worried about what’s going to happen in the long run if such Youtube Guru’s are going to hook all good people to their fold?

Look. I never ask anyone to worship Saibaba. I just won’t. Saibaba is a very simple saint and he wants someone to become his devotee naturally. When you ask someone who’s not a Sai devotee to worship Sai, they might start to doubt if you are trying to force them into some strange Guru.

Why should you force anyone into Sai. Good people with good mind will naturally be attracted to Shirdi Sai Baba.

Why I am angry about fame of fake Gurus?

Ancient saints of India like Sai can live in your own heart and work on your life. They live as antaryami.

They don’t have any message or specific book for you to practice. They want you to think and do good. They will take care of the rest.

Further, I get angry whenever my friends watches some YouTube video and asks me about a fake Guru. I tell them, if you go to his place, better don’t come to my home.

Gradually, they realize that this man is really a fake guru.

There’s another reason why I want good people to be Sai devotees. Here’s the fact you should know.

Not all Sai devotees are good. Sai devotion has become a trend now a days…ha ha.. People just say that they are a Sai devotee and do stuff they are not supposed to do.

On the other hand, I have seen so many girls and guys who are really good…I mean, they have good habits but they unfortunately, they don’t know that Sai can help them lead a better life.

I don’t like someone looking at YouTube videos of fake gurus and assuming that they are really good. Hope Saibaba pulls such innocent people to his fold.

Sai blessings


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