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Why Sai baba wants you to be content with what you have in life?

Sairam friends,

( I realize some of you are wondering why I did not write new article in StarSai for past few days. I wanted to do some good photography of Saibaba with flowers and have lot to express. Kindly read other old articles until then. I shall update the site when Sai wills. I also don’t know what to write. Sai will make me do something good.)

When Sai baba can do anything for his dear devotees, why he never bothers when you wanted to earn better or do something that will fetch you lots of money as you desire?

When I analyze this, I could clearly say that Mahalakshmi herself becomes “Alakshmi” when the time isn’t good for her ardent devotee. In the holy mantra of Mahalakshmi, Sri Suktam, there’s this term “Alakshmi” which means opposite of what Lakshmi can bless us with especially “Wealth’. Saibaba can let us suffer but he wants to make sure that we don’t get into trouble with cruel people who will only associate with us when we have lots of wealth.

So do not worry when you are not able to earn as you desire. You keep working hard and pursue your interest without taking much financial risk. Learn a lot and at the right time, Sai baba will bless you with better earnings.

Secondly, being “Content” or “Satisfied” with what we have is the best way to lead a peaceful life. There are people who change their job or get into some business believing its going to change their life for good. Sai is not against growing ahead in your career but he wants you to do it carefully. Few devotees had wrote me that they are not happy in the new job and that they did a mistake. Some people write me about the financial burden due to the loan they got to do business.

Kindly save money once in a while and remember its OK to be known as someone who earns very less rather than someone who has lots of debt to repay.

I hope you take this message positively and act accordingly. It might not suit everyone though. Sometimes, you have to take risk but do it carefully so that you won’t come back to Sai and complain that he did not guide you properly.

Coming to what’s happening in my life, firstly apologies for not writing regularly. My Desktop isn’t working and I have to fix it. Last week end, I had been to Madurai to meet my uncle who met with a minor accident and also visited Meenakshi Amman temple early in the morning. Shall write about it when I find time. It was beautiful experience.

Note – I will take long time to write next article since by Lord Ganesha, Goddess Saraswathi, Mahalakshmi, Parvathi and Shirdi Saibaba’s grace, we have reached a milestone after 11 years of StarSai. I am not telling that to you right now! he he….

Om Sai Ram


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