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Why Sai Baba doesn’t seem to answer your prayers?

Sairam friends,

There are 1000 ways to believe that Shirdi Saibaba is a saint who will fulfill all your desires. In the Sai Baba temple I visit regularly, devotees offer coconut in the holy Dhuni as they believe Sai will answer their prayers and show them a way. I do believe in Saibaba’s powers and his ability to do anything for a devotee.

The problem with us is most of the time our prayers aren’t right. Especially, in relationship issues, there are many who hurt themselves trying to live with someone who never cares for them. Similarly, in every desire you have, there also might be some difficulty which might arise in future which is why Sai is not answering your prayers.

There are students who get depressed if they can’t get good marks and admission in the course they prefer. There are millions who either don’t have a good career or not happy with their current job. When Sai doesn’t seem to answer your prayers its not that he doesn’t care for you. There are some pains in life which arise due to our own karmic deed and there are few which is associated with the generation we belong to.

Example: Everyone wants their son and daughter to have a good job but at certain point, the market won’t be that favorable and there may not be so many jobs available for everyone to land in a good job. Should we blame the time we are born or live or should we blame our own fate?

Saints look at things in a wider perspective. This is where the concept of “Universal Soul ” comes in. Let’s say, we see someone met with an accident. Does it bother us a bit? It doesn’t. As long as the person is our friend we just don’t feel the pain. But Sai is different. When ever any of his ardent devotee is hurt physically or mentally, Sai is hurt too. Because he lives in you. How can he not feel your pain?

In Sai Satcharitra Chapter 7, We have this story of how a Blacksmith’s wife was holding her baby near the furnace. Suddenly, the baby fell into the furnace. Feeling this happening in a far off place, Sai immediately takes away the baby from the furnace and saves the baby. He does this by showing his hands into the holy Dhuni.

When Sai is not answering your prayers, its not that he is not bothered about your welfare. Its just that the current situation of both your life, your family and the environment/place/country you are associated with doesn’t seem to be favorable. My logic doesn’t apply to all your problems but that’s how I perceive it in my own life.

In 1930s, There was great depression in America. Even the most intelligent men and women would have struggled to make their ends meet. Here, they are not suffering because of their bad karmic deeds but that belongs to the human race of a particular time/era. So think of saints as someone responsible for the whole human race and not just you. I say this to everyone now a days. See life in a bigger scale. Its not just you, your family etc. Its everyone and everyone’s family.

Shradha and Saburi – Faith and Patience can take you to great heights.

Be calm, keep thinking and doing good. Someday, Sai will answer your prayers or make you change your desire.

Because not all desires are good.

Probably, Sai wants you to think futuristic and think what really is good for you.

Sai Ram,


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  • Om sai ram..I believe in you….please continue to bless me and my family in your own sweet ways….please continue to make me one of your favorite devotees and never leave us…always stay with us.

  • Jai Sairam! I often pray to Sai that he should either fulfill a certain desire we may have or remove that desire from us. I am fine with either option. The trouble is when neither gets done 🙂 That’s when we blame Sai despite knowing it’s our karma. Shraddha and Saburi I suppose. Jai Sairam!

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