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Why Shirdi Saibaba does not speak?

Shirdi Saibaba speaks
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

Several years after I first worked on Shirdi Saibaba Speaks from Dwarakamai, I have this feeling that Shirdi Saibaba does not speak or he prefers to be silent most of the time. How can I limit Sai’s messages with few numbers. Its just there to divert Sai devotees to lead a positive life and I firmly believe many have been benefited by Sai Answers. Having said that, I ask myself if I only expect the natural way of “Words” from him to confirm that he speaks to me?

Meanwhile, have darshan of Saibaba contributed by Shanthi.

Shirdi Saibaba speaks

Shirdi Saibaba speaks, Silently

May be, Saibaba is speaking to me in a different way. I already wrote an article about how your parents words can be taken as Sai’s words. Honestly, Sai himself does speak. When you keep remembering him irrespective of all the hardships in life, Sai becomes one with you and make you think and do what’s right for you and your family.

Sometimes, I think that its really a big celestial plan that this incarnation of Saibaba happened during the right period. Saibaba led a very simple life for most of his life from 1840’s through 1890’s. Only after 1910, by the kirtan of Das Ganu Maharaj and other devotees who spread Sai’s fame, flock of devotees started coming to Shirdi. When Sai first came to Shirdi, there were only 80 huts. Imagine what a poor fakir would have done in a small village some where in India. He was one among thousands of other fakirs and saadhu’s who lived in the same era.

In my assumption, Saibaba would have thought of writing a book or preaching some good messages. We all would have read a book called “Teachings of Shirdi Saibaba”. Then, the young Sai would have thought what’s there in writing? I have to live and show people the way to lead a good life and he “Lived”. That’s his language

Sai’s medium to communicate with us is his own language called “Life”.

When ever you think that your desire is not fulfilled, Sai is not bothering you etc, try to remember Sai deeeply and meditate sitting any where just for 10 minutes.

Think what kind of life Saibaba would have lived 150 years back. Was there anyone to even ask him if he had breakfast.  Once in a while, when ever I go to Saibaba temple in my hometown, I get into the Dwarakamai and ask him “Sai, did you had food. Did this priest and the devotees gave you something to have?”

And the priest laughs at it because I ask him loudly. He tells me “Who asks Sai baba if he had food. People just offer him and go”.

To me, its a gesture of letting him know that I love him deeply beyond that he can and cannot do for me.

If you develop the habit of having Sai as a part of your life beyond what’s happening in your life, you will feel Saibaba is speaking to you even when he’s silent.

So here after, do not worry that Saibaba is not speaking to you and bothered about you. Sai listens to every prayer you do to you and accepts every little offering you do to him. He cares for you beyond your imagination and loves you a million times more than your devotion on him.

Keep believing in Sai.

Sai will speak to you in his own language.

The language of “Life”

Om Sai Ram


You can send photos of Saibaba taken in your home or any temples. Make sure its taken by you and write me.

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  • Enjoyed reading this article. May Sai shower his blessings on all of us to increase our devotion and give shraddha and saburi to understand him and the meaning of life.

  • Sairam

    Saibaba ……..SPEAKS …….24 X 7 ….. THAT TOO CONTINUOUSLY.

    We should have the PATIENCE and FAITH to listen to it and comprehend it properly.


  • ….but only a Sathguru can give us the most precious thing that is inconceivable and inscrutable the reality”. He is our most generous and benevolent Baba.

  • Jai sairam… can we really happy with what we have. I don’t know how to tolerate those words by the person whom we belong to. But by reading these articles we get relief from the world things. Sai pls make me more strong. Om sai sri sai jaya jaya sai

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