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Why Shirdi Saibaba never kept restrictions in food habits of devotees?

Sairam friends,

Couple of days back, we started from work a bit early and went to hospital to see one of our friend who met with an accident. His sister and BIL were taking care of him. It was good to see him smiling irrespective of his situation. My friends left to their home and I came to near by Nagasai Mandir. I lit 3 lamps as usual, went into the main hall of Saibaba and prayed to heal this guy.

Then, I took the flower garland to offer to Saibaba on terrace.

Anyway, I have been trying to write about why Shirdi Saibaba never kept restrictions in food habits of devotees?

Saibaba used to cook in front of Dwarakamai in a huge pot. Most of the time, it would be Vegetarian food which will be affectionately distributed to his devotees. Sai never ignored devotees who likes to have Non-Vegetarian food. He keeps another pot separately to cook Non-Veg foods and serve it to them.

There are saints who spread how important it is to have vegetarian food. Then, Why didn’t Sai do it? Sai never belonged to any specific religion as he wanted his devotees to follow their tradition based on their ancestors and considered God is one.

One of the biggest achievement which Shirdi Saibaba did was breaking all the myth.

1. Saibaba never showed any differentiation between poor and rich, he never differentiated devotees belonging to different caste, creed or religion.

2. Similarly, Saibaba wanted to help us understand, any one having Non-Veg food too deserves the same place in the heart of God and Saints as much as a devotee who is pure vegetarian.

Sai is a very practical saint.

Can we justify that all who has vegetarian foods are good in nature with out any pride, ego, jealousy, lust, greed etc?

Sai focused only on inner nature of a Man,Women and Child and ignored all other aspects including their food habits.

Food habits cannot be changed unless one takes their own effort to change.

When ever I write about the greatness of being Vegetarian, I feel if I am discouraging others? Most of my friends and even some of my relatives and their children have Non-Veg food. They just find it tasty. I know a girl who comes from family who are pure Vegetarian but she used to have Non – Veg food when she goes out with friends.  I don’t say its wrong. Sai too wants devotees to have food as they wish.

The only indirect message Saibaba gave is his assurance that he lives in every life. So when we harm any life, we might think for a minute.

Secondly, My worry is the way these animals are treated where they are grown. Even in the U.S, I saw videos where pigs and cows are kept in a congested shell. Some animals are even kicked with leg and they scream in pain. Care takers may not always show kindness to animals. Animals are treated inhumanly in thousands of farms across the world.

Having said that, I am not sure how the cows are treated in big farms as most of us drink Milk, Coffee, tea etc.

Recently, I read a news that in any animal farms, no one is supposed to film these animal cruelty with a camera. So even if someone finds animals are treated badly, they can’t create awareness about it.

To be honest, I my self can’t call me as pure veg as I had non-veg food when I was in Filmmaking several years back.  After coming to Coimbatore, I had egg at home. Once I started to worship Lord Lakshmi Narasimha, My Mom told me “Already nothing is happening to you. So avoid egg also.”

I regret today for having Non Veg food few times in my past. I feel that I have caused pain to a life.

Does Sai feel happy about me now as I am completely Vegetarian?

May be NO.

Sai just looks into my heart.

Sai just wants to know how good I am and how I behave.

If you are think good and do good. That’s enough for Saibaba.

If you have vegetarian food and involve in all that hurts yourself and people near you, how can it satisfy Saibaba?

I believe, this is why Sai never restricted food habits of his devotees. He left the choice to them.

Just make sure you live with pure thoughts and action.

Now a days, I wonder if I will marry a girl who is completely Vegetarian. I see everyone likes to have Non Veg food. Somehow, I may not completely avoid someone I like just because of her food habits but as years pass on, life has taught me a lesson not to harm any other life. So I wish the girl I marry realizes this and gradually likes to be Vegetarian.

And there’s another question too? Will I ever get married too…he he.. because I don’t like any one easily and if I like, the girl don’t like me.

I just don’t know how to keep parents happy.

Thanks to some white hairs. Another good reason for the probably in life.



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  • Every passing thought is not unknown to Sai for He guided His devotees as in a school.ShrI Gurubyoh Namaha.Shri Sainathayanamaha.God bless.

  • SAI RAM. It is just proved that a dead animal does not give energy as the lovely green and colourful fruits and vegetables. The food habits have an effect on our thoughts and actions because of which vegetarianism is proved the best. Any way its every individuals wish. Next about marriage ha ha for sure you will marry a person like Goddess Lakshmi. Sai has his plans so just keep praying sai brother. JAI SAI RAM.

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