Sairam friends,
There are people who like to go to temples and there are few who doesn’t like it much. I always believe in the presence of God and Saints in oneself and encouraged devotees to realize the God within. Then why are Temples built?
In Purana’s we read that Kings who lost his kingdom went to a purticular temple, did prayers, dhyana and got back his kingdom. Similarly couples who doesn’t have children used to go to a specific temple and get blessing to have a child. Don’t these devotees gain blessing by realizing the God in themselves?.

Lord Venkateshwara and Mahalakshmi – Greatness of Darshan
Why is it necessary to visit a particular temple to get blessing:
To my knowledge, seems there were only Vedas and holy books like Puranas in Sanatana Dharma earlier in Hinduism. The lay men could not realize the presence of God from these books. Unfortunately these men started converting to some other religion which was really a concern for many Saints and sadhus of those time.
I believe Adi Shankaracharya did lots of work to help even lay men feel the presence of God. Gradually Temples and Statues of Gods and Goddess were created, Pooja and Rituals helped devotees get involved in worship and even ordinary people were able to connect themselves to spirituality.
( I may be wrong in what I wrote but my Mother told me the seva of Adhi Sankara which I expressed…You are welcome to comment with good information)
When we do Prana Prathista of the Status ( Holy act of keeping the statue in the Garba graha of the temple), holy Yantra’s are also kept below the Statue. The priest’s perform sacred rituals and recite Mantra’s appropriate to the Gods and the Goddess of the temple. The Temple tower (Gopuram) also keeps observing the divine cosmic rays from the sky.
So when someone prays to the Gods/Goddess/Saints looking at them, the Gods observe the sins or the person to his own self and sends them with ray of blessings.
Abishekam – Holy bath to Gods, Goddess and Saints Statue:
I have read in the holy book about Shree Padha Sri Vallabha that we do Abishekam ( Holy bath) to Gods because we believe Gods live in all life on Earth. So even in evil person there’s Gods presence. Take for example, a snake is poisonous and in it too there’s God in subtle form. To wash away all the bad qualities of every life on Earth and also to wash away Sins of devotees , it is good to do holy bath to Gods and Goddess.
When ever I do Holy bath to Shirdi Saibaba, Dattatreya, Ganesha, Shiva Lingam , Saraswathi and Mahalakshmi Statues in my home, i feel really fresh and divine. I keep viboodhi and kumkum after I do abishekam, offer flowers and light lamp. You too must try doing it when ever you get time.
There are temples they say blesses one with long life – Example the temple of Abirami in Thirukadaiyur . Each temple has its own story and the greatness of the Gods and Goddess can be understood from these stories.
Every inch of the temple has the divine vibration present in it. I always request devotees to walk into the temple without socks especially because your body will receive the divinity into it.
So the conclusion is, Its always good to see Gods in you or simply sit in home and do some Pooja. At times, a Pilgrimage is essential because hundreds of years back, the Saints and Sadhus in our sacred country has dedicated their lifetime to encourage Kings to build these temples. I always love Old temples of India. In some Temples, the priests themselves don’t know the greatness of the work they do but its for us to visit these temples and worship whole heartedly.
I wrote this article inspired by a dream I got as if I am visiting a temple of Lord Venkateswara and the gate is being closed for afternoon. I don’t know why the Lord is angry with me but I believe he knows I love him dearly.
Greatness of Darshan:
I already wrote an article about my Pigrimage to Tirupati Venkateswara temple years back. I found these words on table in a Bank
“Its not Darshan you get. Its Darshan he gives”
We all think that we go to Tirupati, Shirdi, Ganagapur, Palani, Mathura or Kasi. Honestly, its the Gods call for you. If God or saints doesn’t call you, you can’t even dream to go to these places.
The darshan of Gods are always great and divine.
Sai baba also has said “When you look to me, I look to you”
So believe that Sai really is looking at you when you look at Sai in Samadhi Mandhir at Shirdi or even in a little picture. I always love to go to temples as much as I can. I love Goddess and also my special Darshan is that of Lord Venkateswara in Tirumala and also Murugan in Palani and any temples of Murugan ( Karthikeya for devotees in north India)
So please go on a Pilgrimage when ever you find time or at least visit any temple where you get peace. I don’t like crowded temples too but sometimes its worth having Darshan. Light lamps when ever you visit any temple.
Your life will be auspicious.
Dreams I had today….
Coming to what made me write this article…
I saw in dream one of my friend who’s an Actors in Tamil movies. He’s getting married next month in Coimbatore and I don’t know if i should go Sai.
Then another dream in which I saw that one of my friend is asking me to do photography of Lord and am standing in que. There’s a Police who says you are not supposed to take photos. I said , If you give permission, I shall take or its ok. The police men was kind and said OK. I move farward and found temple is already closed. People are going away but I stand there to have Darshan of Lord Venkateswara. I feel its not Tirupati as obviously we can’t take camera but some other holy temple in a village . Its a Lord Venkateswara temple.
My Love for Photography:
Photography was in me for many years. Must be over 20 years but I honestly was not blessed to continue my passion for Photography. These days, I am thinking about making a site for Creative people around the world as it will at least satisfy me someway.
Anyway, The reason I write about photography is that I want Star Sai to have a blend of Art and Divinity. It will bring people here from different taste and make them realize the presence of Gods in them. May be they become a better human.
At work, they ask me to take Photos for any events stuff which I do just because they ask me to. I don’t want to say NO to it but now a days I really feel odd about it. My camera doesn’t have a Professional flash, lens fell down and I had to hold it tight to get the focus and when it comes out dark, It doesn’t sound Professional.
When I left creative field and came into IT, I kept telling Sai that I will only do Photography of Gods Temples and Statues of Saibaba decorating Sai with flowers, lamps and more. Somehow, when ever any of my friends in Nagasai Mandhir arranged Marriage but can’t afford a Photographer, I do wedding photography for them as a gift. You can’t say free because Art is never Free. I just gift the memory of Photos of their wedding day.
I consider this as Seva but what I do at work really makes any sense for me that too when I feel some may feel odd for being photographed often. You see, India is like this. You do something, people hate it. You don’t do something, then too people ask why you didn’t do it…he he..
Anyway, About my health, I feel better when I write this but slight pain makes me worry. I believe Saibaba’s udi will cure me for sure. Yesterday at work, felt dizzy few minutes , so told my friends. Someone over heared it and was asking – You didn’t got married why you get all this .
I feel its better for me to keep low and never say anything even to my friends here after because it get into my nerves when ever someone speaks about me not getting married and relating everything with it. It hurts me Sai. Now a days, even my parents are understanding my feelings and keeping quiet. They believe someday I will like a girl who’s my kind.
Ok friends my parents are asking why am not starting to work yet..its already 8.
Hope you realized the greatness of Darshan
May Sai and Lord Venkateswara bring peace and happiness in our life
I wish to present a beautiful Photography courtesy of respective photographers

Green parrot at Symbio wildlife park, Stanwell Tops, NSW, Australia.
Alexandrine Parakeet –
Photo courtesy of flickr user – TCL 1961
I was remembering Green parrots yesterday and felt like posting this Photo as you feel blissful when ever you see birds…Birds sends me message of Freedom, Happiness and Glory
Very truely Adi Shankarar did lot of work to revive Hinduism.He established mutts in 4 corners of India. I even has gone to Shringeri in karnataka where Shanakaracharya has established his one of his mutt. It is a very beautiful and serene place. The major contribution of Shankaracharya was his remarkable interpretation of scriptures including the Gita ,vedas and upanishads.