Sairam friends,
I had a very beautiful dream on Saturday morning. It’s so divine and I saw as if I am offering bael leaves to Shiv Ling. I shall write in detail about the dream in the next article. The past 2 month, irrespective of so many dreams in which I heared movie songs, after every such dream, I had a vision of Lord Venkateswara and Lord Murugan. I was wondering why they appear in my dream often though I am not deeply devoted to them as before? So I try to do little I can by chanting Gods holy name in mind once in a while.
In 2012, I used to be very calm in office and when ever I wish, I used to chant Sai’s and Gods holy name. Now a days, I can’t shut my mouth even for 10 minutes. I get bored and keep poking someone and irritate them with my talkings. So my focus on chanting is completely distracted.
Today, I took my parents to Marudhamalai. It was crowded due to Pongal holidays. We planned to take special entrace ticket. When my Father walked up to worship the Pancha Muga Ganesha, a Man gave him 2 special entry ticket. This really surprised us and we felt its Murugan’s way of letting us know that he has called us to his abode. We had wonderful darshan of Lord Murugan. I felt divine in my heart when I was there. Something happens in my heart when ever I go to such temples – Like Murugan temple or Annapurna temple. This divine feeling can’t be expressed in words.
In any Shirdi Saibaba temple, I won’t get such divine feeling because Sai is part of myself. My very existence and my soul. But I keep expressing my love for Sai as much as I can when I am in Sai temple.
I have an important work to be done in couple of month. My parents U.S Visa has to be renewed and I have to work on the process. I wanna do 3 minute films for Saibaba but its not happening yet. I have to upgrade my Computer as I need a 64 bit system to install Editing software.
I hate to waste my precious time like this. I am doing nothing creative or useful these days. Simply listening to songs I love repeatedly.
Currently running “Udi Udi Jaye“. Sukhwinder Singh, Bhoomi Trivedi rocks!
I am hooked to the song so much and like the garba Choreography. People assume that I am very religious. I believe in Sai and I am devoted to Gods because that’s been with me right from childhood. But I am equally crazy. So Sai alone knows my real nature. I just wanted to do little good deeds in life and regret that I have not ever began my journey to do good yet!
As soon as I came from Marudhamalai, I watched Yatra by Deepti about pilgrimage to Kashi Banaras. We must learn a lot from her presentation skills.
Sai will manifest in you when you chant his name forever
May be, I should make little films on Saibaba temples that I could visit. I have a personal belief that its not the temple I wanted to show. I wish to show devotees. I wish to listen to Sai children who can express their devotion on him. StarSai is not about Sai. Its about his ordinary devotees and the way they lead their life in Sai’s presence. So more than Saibaba or his temple, my focus has always been on his children. If you chant Sai’s holy name continuously for 3 days or 9 days. You will realize Saibaba has manifested in your heart. That’s his Dwarakamai. Sai lives in you as antaryami.
Chanting is so powerful. It washes away your sins and thus Sai can show you a way.
Many people who have desire to buy DSLR Camera must think twice because when ever I go to temples, I don’t take my Camera with me as its a distraction. Today, I kept it in my car and simply used my mobile to take few photos. After having darsan of Lord Murugan, My Ma sat to recite a Mantra in her book. A Dog came near my Father as he seemed to be hungry.
We gave him some biscuits which he ate happily.

I Love Dogs!
Wait for my article about Shiv Ling dream.
Sai blessings..
I am not sure how dedicated and focussed I will be in Chanting Sai and Lord Murugan’s name because now a days, I am too playful. Even when keep myself in such mood, I suddenly get depressed as I can’t understand what Saibaba is doing to me?
Sai..Show me a way
So if I am not going to be sincere in Chanting saints name, why am I writing about it? Many devotees write me that they cannot concentrate in Chating, singing in praise of God or even reading Sai Satcharita. They assume I am completely distraction free and very devoted.
A Big No.
I invite distractions of all kinds. I listen to songs. I make fun but I have my time for Sai and Gods I love.
So live your life but come back to Sai.
Deep in your heart, there must be a space and time for Sai and the Gods and Goddess you love.