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I wish to create workshop for people who don’t know who real Guru is

Sairam friends,

I am honestly fed up with the way hundreds of thousands of youngsters are behind false Guru. When I went to Bangalore, I heard 2-3 people tell me about an idiot who’s cheating the whole Nation in the name of God. I kept calm and simply answered, I have not been there.

Later, I came back to Coimbatore and there was a press meet in our office which I was videographing. A CEO of fast growing global company said “I have been to this 4 day workshop and it was amazing”.

Each and every journalist – almost 20 of them would have felt bad because they all know what really is behind this false Guru.

I was also annoyed because this man seems to be good. If a CEO is cheated, why not ordinary people. My concern is not to spread glory of Sai. Saibaba crossed that stage 100 years back. Now, everyone knows Sai. Irrespective of all that, people want some kind of process they should be taken into to understand who real Guru is.

I told SAI that it hurts me deeply that good people are behind false Guru who can do nothing for them.

I am not sure if Saibaba approves my plan because what will I do in a workshop about Sai? ha ha

I have some ideas and going to ask Sai to help me out.

I can’t let this idiotic propaganda continue forever because good people should learn about Sai.

So what’s happening with me? I went to Dentist last night. I was little scared…he he…

He said that its decay. I told him, I don’t see it all. He said “He knows”.

So we gotta pluck it today or tomorrow.

My Mom felt bad as she always tells me to brush tooth at night. I do but before dinner.

I wish to pluck away false Guru from our country the way we are going to throw away my decayed tooth!


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