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Wish to be detached from all my friends

Sairam friends,

My earlier office was just 6 Kilometers from home and I simply listened to my favorite music in Car when I go to work. After I went through some sufferings without job for over a month, I got a job as a gift from Sai. The day I applied for the new job, I saw Lord Murugan in dream.

The dream was like what I am going to do in that company and a girl I met in a college who was doing Ph.d in Management and She’s showing statue of Lord Murugan. This girls name is Suganya and I met her only once. Still, I am surprised why I saw her in dream.

I wish to do Ph.d in the same college.May be, I will meet her again. I was jealous of her as she just completed her MBA and immediately started her Ph.d. She’s lucky!

As a gratitude to Sai and Lord Murugan, I play the following mantra on way to office every morning. First I play Skandha Sashti Kavasam.Then, I listen to Skandha Guru Kavasam.

I love reciting Skandha Guru Kavasam.

It’s a mantra in Tamil and hence many of you might know be able to read it. The best part about the mantra is that it stresses a lot on learning to live without being too much attached to anyone.

The Tamil word “Patru” could be translated to attachment due to love we have on someone.

Probably, since I recite Skandha Guru Kavasam regularly, I feel like being detached from all my friends and also Sai friends. I usually whatsapp some of my Sai friends when I am in Saibaba temple and at night. I simply learn what’s happening in their life.

Last night, I realized that I should reduce sending these messages to Sai friends. I blocked few of them and also wish I could block everyone. I feel that there’s no pointing in being close to any of my Sai friends because they are busy with their life.

I also can do nothing much to them when they are going through some problems.

I feel that I should learn to keep everything to myself.

I wish Saibaba blesses me to be detached even to close friends.

People whom we see as friends today may not be friends forever. So its like a river. People keep moving. So there’s no point in being too much attached to anyone.

Practice such detachment with friends. Even if they are your boyfriend and girl friend, practice to be detached when things don’t go smoothly.

Sai blessings


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