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Wish to see Sai as he lived in Shirdi

Sairam friends,

There are very few stories about Sai and his life. Wish I had lived during Sai’s days in Shirdi before his Mahasamadhi. I would have followed his every step and wrote a million page book on every thing he does. I am not happy with only few experiences of devotees being recorded. This is the reason I imagine how Sai would have lived, what he would have done etc. I also imagine as if I am sleeping in Dwarakamai with Sai.

Sai’s mannerism would have been very nice to see. I wish to see how Sai walks, the way he eats and the way he laughs.

We have very beautiful description of Sai’s eyes. Seems no devotee could stare at his eyes for more than a minute. His eyes will be sparkling like Diamond and we could feel the greatness in him if we look into his eyes. When you are worried about your life, imagine as if you are going to Shirdi village when Baba lived there with flesh and blood. You can offer garland of flowers and lit lamp. Then, speak to Sai in your mind. I have done this practice for many years

After many years, I have a feeling that I understood Sai and I keep thanking him for what he has done to me.

This doesn’t mean I am happy. This just mean, I am OK with my life.

Last evening, my friends at work planned a dinner and I did not feel like going. I denied and stayed back. Externally, I seem to be happy and have small talks. I talk about what’s happening in Syria, U.S,  Maldives and often take topic of India and what needs to be changed. I also have fun doing some stupid stuff. Laughing doesn’t mean I am happy. My life isn’t normal like others. I have gone through what I should have not. So I try to keep away from what others called a wordily enjoyment.

I don’t know where Sai is taking me. I am going with his flow.

Yesturday, I bought some tablets to keep in the box kept near me for Employees when they get sick. I feel happy when ever I do this. I have very little chances to do good when there’s so much I could have done. I pray Sai to show me some ways to do good that satisfies me.

I am getting late for work now.


Sai blessings,


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