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Womens March on Washington is an immediate expression of the people before things gets worse

Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

While I was speaking to my sister about an Issue in Tamilnadu over skype, She mentioned about “Women’s March” on Washington the very next day after President Trump’s inauguration. The problem with a country like India is that even when we know we have elected a bad leader, we will be silent. We will be calm until they do all their non-sense. In the U.S, people reacted immediately. I believe, in India too, people must come together like this. The best part is the goal of the Women’s March includes all good that they dream for their country.

The Women’s March is more than an anti-Trump protest. Here’s what participants want.

  • Accountability and justice for police brutality” and “[dismantling] the gender and racial inequities within the criminal justice system”
  • Freedom from sexual violence
  • Ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution that would guarantee equal protection based on gender
  • Affirming that all domestic and caretaking work is work, even if unpaid, and that women — especially women of color — bear the brunt of that burden
  • “The right to organize and fight for a living minimum wage” for all workers, labor protections for undocumented and migrant workers, and “solidarity with sex workers’ rights movements”Comprehensive reproductive rights and immigrant and refugee rights

Supporting the Womens March on Washington where over half a million people turned up March, several cities across the U.S and other countries too organized their march.

Kids participating in Womens March

I had always appreciated America because I know majority of American’s open their heart to everyone who lands in their country for survival. 

People are friendly and they know what their Nation stands for “Love and Peace”.

They are completely against anyone who speaks “Racism”.

I wish Indians too must be united like this if we don’t like what our politicians are up to.

And why am I writing about Women’s March in StarSai.

Well it matters.

What ever the president believes about “Hire American” has something to do with an Indian or someone from any other country loosing his job. It may not happen but it could. Not that I don’t want an American to succeed but everyone who deserves a Job must get it and must have freedom to work. An American who deserves a Job will certainly get it and they are happily working together.

If someone looses their job or even if they have worries or fear of loosing their job, the first thing they turn to is ‘Prayers, Gods and Saints”.

I receive several mails from people worrying about not having a good career and problems in Career.

For Gods sake, Let us stand together and support American’s who work hard to hold their Nation for what it stands for -“Equality, Peace and Love”

Getting late for work


Sai Bless


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1 Comment

  • Sairam Venkatji. You summed it up well. We marched in our state as did tens of thousands of women in all 50 states (even Alaska where it was frigid temps) to not just oppose Trump’s policies but stand together for American values that have been a beacon to the rest of the world! As it’s been said already, “women’s rights are human rights”. It was inspiring, energizing and empowering to participate in the march instead apathy and self pity for what is about to happen in this country. Believe me, these values cannot be and will not be ignored.

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